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激光全息防伪字模材料。Laser hologram tamper evident printing material.

之后船长麦克尼尔的一幅全息影像出现在他的面前。Then a hologram of Captain McNeil rose in front of him.

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请通过你的心轮和人类全息图来和我们调谐。Attune unto us through the heart chakra and human hologram.

大卫是一名拥有潘全息图的女奴隶与宙斯间的孩子。David was the child of a slave female of Pan hologram and Zeus.

英国查尔斯王子也通过全息影像发表了讲话。Also present was Prince Charles, who gave a speech via hologram.

在全息图的再现像中便出现莫尔条纹。Moire fringes appear in the reconstruction image of the hologram.

运用了彩印、浅浮雕、全息转印技术。Color printing, Bass-relief, hologram transfer technologies were adopted.

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并对电子束刻蚀系统制作数字像元全息图的优缺点加以讨论。The advantage and disadvantage of EBL digital pixel hologram is discussed.

“这个物质世界,在转,可以被形容为一种”地下能源全息图。This physical world, in turn, can be described as a sort of mass- energy hologram.

一个紫色棺材的珐琅全息效果,用裹尸布将生者封入戒指内。A funerary purple hologram effect enamel, encapsulating the shrouded living corpse.

通过你的全息图、通过你的心灵,你将找到你内在的道。Through one's hologram and through the heart one will discover one's own Tao within.

讨论了倾斜条纹反射全息光栅的波长特性。The property of peak wavelength of slanted reflection hologram grating was discussed.

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可达成双膜、上光和全息图像寒压箔防伪等工艺。This can be done for laminating, glazing and hologram foil anti-false as cold-pressed.

此方法有助于指导全息照相的处理过程,提高全息图的质量。This method can be used to guide hologram processing and improve quality of holograms.

这些也成为所有能打开进入道里人类原型图的人的最大礼物。Thishas become the greatest gift of all in opening up to the human hologram inthe Tao.

你们是起源自一个生命的蓝图,那是与道中人类全息图有关的。You were spawned as a blueprint for life that is related to the human hologram in the Tao.

图象边上覆盖有可以刮开的材料,里面有20位数的密码。The scratch-off ink coating along the edge of the hologram contains a unique, 20-digit code.

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本文介绍了激光全息照相中,改变光路图实现了观察全息图的新方法。A new method of observing hologram by changing the beam path in laser hologram is introduced.

讨论了“冻结”在电子全息图中的位相信息的再现方法。The reconstruction methods of phase information "Frozen" in an electron hologram are discussed.

参考光具有信息内容的傅里叶全息图可用来做全息翻译器。Fourier hologram with informations in the reference beam can be used as a holographic translator.