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花一年时间投入到工作中。Devote a year to your career.

我希望你能投身于我!I hope you can devote youself to me!

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生活是一场梦,让我们看清它。Life is a sacrifice, let's devote it.

奉献我的喜乐和伤悲。I will devote my joy and sadness to you.

杨老师,您为了我们的学习操碎了心。Ms. Yang, you devote a lot on our study.

每天花一点时间帮助别人,与人分享你的才能。Devote time each day to sharing your talents.

他决心把毕生精力贡献给科学事业。He is determined to devote his life to sicence.

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他们必须在那项计划上花大量的时间。They must devote a lot of time to that project.

但我会把全部的空闲时间都消磨在拼字上吗?But am I going to devote all my spare time to it?

他似乎有无限时间专来陪同我们。He seemed to have unlimited time to devote to us.

我全心全意地致力于这项艰巨的任务。I devote myself heart and soul to the arduous task.

全方位服务于国内商业地产领域。We devote to serving mainland business real estate.

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计算出你实际能够投入多少时间。Figure out how much time you realistically can devote.

我喜欢英语,也希望投身于这一事业。I love Englis and hope to devote myself to this career.

我们随时准备牺牲生命,奉献一颗颗赤子之心。To sacrifice life and devote our loyal for your dignity.

分配多些时间和精力在虚拟品牌社区上。Devote more time and effort to the on-line brand community.

需要咨询顾问一年多少时间投入在公司?How many months of a year shall consultants devote to SGCC?

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我们会用一整节课来简单讨论这个问题We'll devote a whole class to that down the road just a bit.

白家在享受上头,真是费尽心思。The white house is on enjoying, really fee to devote to think.

要讨论它们的话肯定会花掉一整个学期And we could easily devote an entire semester to discussing it.