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高粱抽穗了。The sorghum is in the ear.

红高粱就是一个例子。Red Sorghum is just an example.

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他们把高粱做成了猪饲料。They made sorghum into pig feed.

双方在美国推广红高粱品牌。Brand and promote Red Sorghum in U. S.

谷类、麦子及玉蜀黍等都是家畜的饲料。Corn , wheat and sorghum are feed grain.

这块地可以种高粱或玉米。We can grow sorghum or maize on this plot.

在今天的非洲,高粱依然分布广泛的粮食作物,现在看来,它填饱人类肚子的历史要回溯许多年了。Sorghum is still used widely today in Africa.

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玉米丝黑穗病菌不能侵染高梁。Head smut fungus from corn did not infect sorghum.

还有那满山遍野的大豆高粱。Soya beans and sorghum cover the hills and plains.

还有那满山遍野的大豆高粱。There are soybeans and sorghum all over the mountain.

幼虫为害麦、稻、玉米、高粱等种子。Harm the wheat, rice, larvae corn, sorghum seeds, etc.

高粱、玉米比较好些,秆子比较粗。Sorghum and maize with their stouter stalks do better.

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也有的人家用高粱秸做两把锄头插在饭上。Also some people with sorghum stalks do two hoe in rice.

确定了高粱红色素的抗氧化作用。Determine the antioxidant activities of sorghum pigment.

高梁酒是以高梁酿制的高纯度蒸馏酒。Kaoliang is a strong distilled liquor made from sorghum.

它需要从高梁种子中得到生长的化学信号。If It requires chemical signals from sorghum seeds to grow.

快看,高粱见到秋的使者还不好意思呢!Look, see the fall of the messenger of sorghum also sorry it!

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高粱和小米一点儿面筋都没有,所以做面包时不用掺淀粉。The sorghum and millet are totally free of gluten, no starch.

鹰嘴豆,小麦,高粱和玉米就是其中的一些受灾农作物。Chickpea, wheat, sorghum and corn are among the crops affected.

研究A3细胞质在饲草高粱育种上的利用。The development of the A3 cytoplasm in forage sorghum breeding.