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这回何瑞克宁大吃一惊,但是已经太迟了。Arachne was frightened now, but it was too late.

结果,何瑞克宁缩小变成和人的拇指一般大的微小生物。Then Arachne shrank to a little creature no larger than one's thumb.

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阿拉喀涅停下了纺织,怒视着老婆婆。Arachne stopped her spinning and looked at the old dame with anger in her countenance.

于是,何瑞克宁带著一身新的外形,赶紧往她所能找到最先的黑暗角落飞过去。Upon this Arachne , in her new shape, ran quickly into the first dark corner she could find.

当女神编织着她和波塞冬竞争个故事的时候,阿拉克尼编织了一张精美的网。While the goddess worked on the story of her rivalry with Poseidon , Arachne began to make a delicate web.

她毫不动摇,一种对自己技艺的盲目自信驱使她选择了自己的命运。Arachne was unterrified. She stood to her resolve, and with a foolish conceit of her own skill rushed on her fate.

阿拉喀涅用类似的主题填满了她的画布。Arachne filled her canvas with similar subjects, wonderfully well done, but strongly marking her presumption and impiety.

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当她的母亲忙着为家人烹煮简单的食物,或在田里耕种时,何瑞克宁则整天在纺纱。While her mother was busy cooking the simple meals for the family, or working in the fields, Arachne used to spin all day long.

当两片工艺完成的时候,阿拉克尼说,令她吃惊的是,她还是输了,女神的图案比自己的好无限倍。When both pieces were finished, Arachne saw, to her surprise, that she had been beaten, for the goddess' design was infinitely better.

当她俩的作品完成后,阿刺克涅惊奇地发现自己被打败了,因为女神的图案确实比她的好。When both pieces were finished, Arachne saw, to her surprise, that she had been beaten, for the goddess ' design was infinitely superior.

可是,何瑞克宁并不去理会那个警告。她在她的织锦上织出讽刺奥林匹斯山的众神所做出蠢事的图案。But Arachne would not heed the warning. She wove into her tapestry pictures representing certain foolish things that the gods of Olympus had done.

有一天,何瑞克宁以捕鱼为生的父亲,抱著满满一笼子的小贝壳回来,那种贝壳是艳丽的鲜红色,也就是深红色。One day Arachne 's father, who was a fisherman, came home with his baskets full of little shellfish, which were of a bright crimson or purple color.

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一个叫阿剌克涅的利比亚侍女对雅典娜的技术却不以为然。她经常吹嘘,说假如有机会和雅典娜一决高下,她将打败女神。Arachne by name, did not seem to think much of Athena's dexterity, for she frequently boasted that she could beat the goddess if she had the opportunity to do so.

一位名叫阿瑞克妮的莉迪亚族少女,似乎瞧不起雅典娜的本并常吹嘘如有机会定能击败女神雅典娜。Lydian maid, Arachne by name, did not seem to think much of Athena's skill, for she frequently talked big that she could beat the goddess if she had the chance to do so.