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他可以跳过地图上的烈风峡谷之类障碍。Barbarian can hop across gaps on the map.

呜哈!选得好!野蛮人是个非常有趣的职业。Huzzah! Good choice! Barbarian is very fun class.

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蛮夷人把教堂当作畜牲圈,使其受到玷污。The barbarian defiled the church by use it as stable.

中唐以后,效仿胡人发髻成为时尚。After the mid-Tang, follow the barbarian bun become fashionable.

亚历山大不能和成吉思汗比。这家伙就是个野蛮人。Alexander cannot be compared to khan. This guy is only a barbarian.

你必需处于狂暴并有最少一项未用的蛮子狂暴威能。You must be raging and have at least one unused barbarian rage power.

蛮族叛乱会清空该省可雇用的雇佣兵。Barbarian uprisings now empty most of the mercenary pool for that province.

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哦,野蛮人触发了一个箱子陷阱,周围跳出了4个鬼怪要劫财劫色。Barbarian triggers a trap chest that spawns four spectral enemies around him.

古时候,长城保卫着中国,使之免遭蛮夷的入侵。In ancient times, the Great Wall fortified China against barbarian invasions.

比如在演示视频中那个野蛮人被攻城兽撕成了两半。Like when the Siegebreaker bit the Barbarian in half during the gameplay demo.

克里之灾是生活在传奇纪年的一个野蛮的征服者。The Bane of Kree was a barbarian conqueror who lived during the Age of Legends.

野蛮的日耳曼和斯拉夫则象天真的儿童。And Barbarian Nations such as German and Slav were somewhat like naive children.

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角上蚀刻的印记说明那只野兽曾被一支古老的野蛮人部落奉为神灵。Etchings on the horn suggest the beast was once worshipped by ancient barbarian tribes.

其他沿岸都有希腊城市,东海岸的考克塞斯地区,是蛮族的领地Now not on the east coast, when you get to the Caucuses you are in barbarian territory.

对西方人来说南蛮文明是野蛮文化,就像非洲的那些。To the west Nanman civilization is just some barbarian culture like the ones in Africa.

中国人的样子从当时候起就充溢了蛮横,俗气和无耻。Chinese mind since then are stuffed with barbarian spirit of vulgarity and shamelessness.

上面的截图来自与barbarian集团为gettyImages做的一个艺术项目。These screens are taken from an art project for gettyImages, done by the barbarian group.

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这两样东西对于一般野蛮人而言绝对都是可遇不可求的好东西。These two kind things is indeed an all may come with fortune good thing to general barbarian.

蛮族海盗的入侵加速了晚期罗马帝国的灭亡。Howerer, the invision of the barbarian pirates still sped up the end of the late Roman Empire.

阿拉里克一世于40年征服了罗马从而使野蛮部落给罗马带来长期毁灭性的灾难。Alaric I conquered the city in 40, leading to a lengthy period of devastation by barbarian tribes.