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不要读插入语。Do not read the parenthesis.

我如何调整那个括号?So how do I switch the parenthesis?

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没有圆括号的命名参数Named parameters without parenthesis

对我来说括号太多了。Just too much parenthesis for my taste.

如果不用9,0,你可以在把“float“放到,括号里吗?Instead of putting 9.0, can you just put "float" in parenthesis?

字符串的左括号都有相应的右括号。Every left parenthesis in a string is matched by a right parenthesis.

右括号后的第一个插入点现在就显现了出来。The first insertion point after the closing parenthesis now reappears.

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这个表达式中,我们不需要乘号或括号。In this expression, we don't need a multiplication sign or parenthesis.

这个表达式中,我们不需要乘号或括号。In this expression, we do not need a multiplication sign or parenthesis.

然后在for关键字后面的括号里,有三个部分“And then there's three parts to the parenthesis after the key word "for."

而其中间的一切,也是正数,所以正数的相反是负数。Everything inside the parenthesis is positive, so minus a positive number.

不可以用操作符、逗号或闭括号作为表达式的开始符。Expressions must not begin with an operator, comma, or closing parenthesis.

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在圆括号里的,代表根目录。In parenthesis now is a tilde which is shorthand notation for My Home Directory.

不可以用操作符、函数、逗号或开括号作为表达式结束符。Expressions must not end with an operator, function, comma, or opening parenthesis.

组是正则表达式中的子模式,它们包含在圆括号中。Groups are subpatterns in the regular expression that are surrounded by parenthesis.

同时,插入语也是外国学生学习汉语口语的一大难点。What is more, parenthesis is difficult for foreign students to study spoken Chinese.

如果它是一个类似于函数的宏,则仅当下一个单词为左括号时对其进行展开。If it is a function-like macro, it is only expanded if the next token is an left parenthesis.

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这些操作符会被嵌套在括号中并与其他的查询语言操作符混合在一起吗?Can these operators be nested in parenthesis and mixed with the other query language operators?

括号中显示了控制这些内存池大小的配置参数。The configuration parameters that control the sizes of these memory pools are shown in parenthesis.

在一本德语畅销小说里有这样一个句子,其中只有一丁点插入语罢了。Now here is a sentence from a popular and excellent German novel — which a slight parenthesis in it.