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我们憎恨瘙痒。We hate itchy.

我的皮肤很痒。My skin feels very itchy.

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皮肤骚痒是个常见问题。Itchy skin is a common problem.

他的皮肤痒,因为天气太干燥了。His skin was itchy because it was dry.

腰酸疮疤痒,有雨在半晌。Itchy nose waist sour, rain in a long time.

我眼睛发痒,而且一直打喷嚏。My eyes are itchy and I have been sneezing.

嗓子里面觉得又痒又毛。The back of my throat is itchy and tickles.

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派蒂•穆卡希的症状,从眼睛发痒开始。For Patty Mulcahy, it began with itchy eyes.

我的心好痒,但是我喜欢爱上你的感觉。I don't know. I was sleeping. It's so itchy.

症状包括皮肤发红、发痒、发炎。Symptoms include red, itchy and inflamed skin.

生疮的脚,失去了微笑,你能感觉到我吗?With itchy feet and fading smiles Can you feel me?

他著名眼睛发痒,而且平昔打喷嚏。His eyes feel itchy once well as has long sneezing.

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我小弟弟好痒喔!你可以帮我拿起司刨吗?Ooh! My balls are itchy. Have you got the cheese grater?

皮肤干痒也可能是一个指标,肝脏问题。Dry itchy skin may also be an indicator of liver problem.

父母应该教导孩子不可有偷窃行为。Parents should teach their kids not to have itchy fin- gers.

虽然反应甚微,但足以让鼻子痒痒。It only has a tiny effect, but enough to make the nose itchy.

他眼睛发痒,听说新白娘子传奇主题曲。而且不绝打喷嚏。His eyes feel itchy and that he has possiblyen quite sneezing.

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对于我自己呢,我对那些难闻的、发痒的药水有点害怕。For my own head, I’m a tad paranoid about smelly, itchy potions.

我真的很讨厌蚊子,因为他们咬得我的皮肤好痒。I hate mosquitoes , because when they bite, it makes my skin itchy.

我们的猎象枪已经重新填满弹药,我那只扣扳机的手指已经发痒了。Our elephant gun has been reloaded, and my trigger finger is itchy.