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让我为自己对爱情的见解下个定义。redefine my girlish notions of romance.

她充满了少女的喜悦。She was filled to the brim with girlish glee.

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它变的更成熟美丽,连气质也变的很有小女生的感觉。She became more mature and beautiful, and her habitude became more girlish.

你的选择你做主,不过小心它让你看起来有点女性化。The choice is yours, but be warned it could make you look a little girlish.

祖母咯咯地笑着,这位满头银发的老妇人令人吃惊地发出了少女般的笑声。Grandma giggled, a surprisingly girlish sound coming from an old lady with white hair.

她穿着一身白衣服,显得年轻美貌、天真烂漫,像个又温顺又单纯的姑娘。She was dressed in white, a picture of youth, unprotected innocence, and humble girlish simplicity.

闪亮三姊妹二、三号回答,接下来是一阵疯狂的笑声。"how was I suppose to know?" The two other girls responded, followed by a minute of extreme girlish laughs.

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“我真不晓得,”她有一次带着女孩子家的傻气说,“飘浮到那些云头里去该有怎样的感觉。”"I wonder, " she said once with girlish simplicity, "how it would feel to float away off there among those clouds.

他拿出了他的小金盒,打开了它,充满深情地注视着那张相片上美丽少女的脸,现在这一切都无可挽回地成为了过去!He drew forth his locket, and opening it gazed passionately at the fair girlish face, now so hopelessly passed away.

深受日本“萌”系的影响,作品以可爱风的轻松小品为主,充满少女情怀。Heavily influenced by Japan's 'Moe' trend, her works feature adorable and light-hearted themes with a touch of girlish motives.

我真是想笑又想骂——因为我估计这完全是女孩子的虚荣心——我终于有几分心软了,便问道And being really fully as inclined to laugh as scold--for I esteemed it all girlish vanity--I at length relented in a measure, and asked

讲话有着一种轻快的感染力以及近乎小女生的劲头的椎名,兴高采烈的聊起血拼,米国俚语和最爱的欧洲城市。Speaking with an easy charm and almost girlish enthusiasm, she chats brightly about shopping, American slang and her favorite European cities.

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很漂亮。但是有点小女孩气。如果你真想穿A字裙。你最好配这件黑色三颗扣子的西装外套。They are nice, but a little too girlish. If you really want to wear the A-line dress, you had better have this black 3-buttoned blazer over it.

本来,他早已十分地厌恶这种常见耐看的已婚妇女,因为她会勾起他记忆里甜甜的少女形象。As may be supposed, he was thoroughly disgusted to be reminded of that sweet girlish vision by this broadly moulded, comfortable-looking matron.

她心里存在着女孩子家天然要有的那种向好一方面的希冀,因而她应该担心的地方也不大担心了。There were natural, girlish anticipations of good still holding over, which made her less apprehensive than she could otherwise possibly have been.

电流般的酥麻传遍了她的全身,软得没了一丝力气,只剩下娇声喘息。Electric current arrange of numb and weak get approximately her entire body, soft have to have no one silk vigor, leaves a sweet girlish voice breather.

他从右边树林中听见妇人愉快的喊声,看见挡住他的马车的一群飞奔而来的姑娘。Behind some trees on the right he heard merry girlish cries, and caught sight of a party of girls running across the avenue along which his coach was driving.