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我并不反对敏捷。I am not against Agility.

让我们对敏捷这么做吧。Let's do this with Agility.

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他敏捷的身手让她惊奇地直眨眼睛。She blinked in surprise at his agility.

蜘蛛人的动作像猫一们灵活。The spiderman moves with feline agility.

他的敏捷能抵上他一般年纪的人。He had the agility of a man half his age.

获得一个敏捷的解释很容易。Having an interpretation of Agility is easy.

业务需要敏捷性和快速走向市场。Business demands agility and speed to market.

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成为芭蕾舞者需要相当的灵活度。It takes good agility to become a ballet dancer.

这场比赛是限时的,重点在于机敏。The race is timed, but the emphasis is on agility.

她的自由体操动作轻巧,姿势优美。She did her floor exercises with agility and grace.

同样的道理在敏捷方面的书籍上面也适用。The same is true with many of the books on Agility.

业务敏捷性和高效性的两大问题Two Major Issues for Business Agility and Efficiency

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敏捷会提供比现在更少的致命等级。Agility may provide less Crit than it currently does.

德鲁依闪避时所需敏捷下降。Druids now need substantially less agility per dodge.

他异常敏捷地跳离布雷区。He sprang from the minefield with surprising agility.

流程过多会抑制创新且损害机动性Too much process stifles innovation and deters agility

敏捷。快速,灵活并且完美的执行。Agility. Speed, nimbleness and grace of implementation.

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可是对你大脑的反应力,以伎诎晚体的敏捷度却有着非常大的考验。But it is a real challenge to your reflection and agility.

敏捷给人留下刻板印象,这样说也不能说是完全错误的。It's not to say that a rigid view of Agility is incorrect.

该书为理解敏捷提供了一个好的基础。This book provides a good basis for understanding agility.