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多奇怪的主意!What a screwy idea!

很快你会明白如何螺旋这个地方是。Soon enough you'll realise how screwy this place is.

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提出了一种新型的螺旋进丸抛丸器。This article presents a new screwy type blast wheel.

当心理扭曲的时候怎么才能调整过来?How is ability adjusted when is psychology screwy come over?

我们都知道,我们的文化在许多方面都很古怪。Our culture is screwy in a number of ways, as most of us know.

扭曲的性观念使扭曲的性行为一发而不可收拾。Screwy sexual idea makes screwy sexual behavior is sent and irremediable.

对于任何古怪的配置,你都可以找到一个使用此配置的β用户。For any possible screwy configuration, you can find a beta user who has it.

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所生成的金刚石晶体同时以二维台阶和螺旋台阶方式生长。The transformed diamond crystal grows out of two-dimensional step and screwy step.

但如果在公司公布奖励之后股价就马上升高,这不禁让人怀疑其中有些猫腻If it suddenly goes up right after they're issued you kind of suspect that something is screwy here.

有失踪,在我们的台式机所需的文件或有可能已被病毒,现在它的所有神经兮兮的类型。There are missing, necessary files on our desktop or there may have been a virus and now its all screwy.

指出切屑的自然状态是连续螺旋形切屑,描述了连续螺旋形切屑形状的参数。Continuous screwy chip which is chip' s natural shape and geometrical para meter describing it are advanced.

大楼呈螺旋形,从底楼就一直扭曲向上,到顶楼整整扭转了90度。The building is shown gyroidal, from ground floor screwy all the time up, turned round 90 degrees full to attic.

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对螺旋供料器应用于面粉包装机进行了分析,提出了改进措施及设计计算。The analysis, improvement and design calculation of the screwy feed appliance of the flour packer was introduced.

而更加惊人的是,这些并不是只疯子们,才会拥有的严重且古怪的心理问题And what's striking about these is--it's not-- these are not just sort of big, screwy problems of messed up people.

试验结果表明,穿管坯料上存在的原始缺陷是产生螺旋裂纹的内在因素。The study shows that the primary defects on the round billet used for piercing are the sources of screwy surface cracks.

扭曲的性观念使扭曲的性行为一发而不可收拾,结下了“不负责任的恶果。”Screwy sexual idea makes screwy sexual behavior is sent and irremediable , the knot fell " irresponsible evil consequence."

太阳是一个能量惊人的大火球,它的表面能够向地球释放大量等离子,从而导致我们的设备工作异常。The sun is a ferocious ball of energy that can eject massive amounts of plasma from its surface in our direction, causing our equipment to go screwy.

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受室内温度、湿度影响,轻易变形、扭曲、起翘、开裂,而石膏板稳定性要超过夹板。Suffer effect of indoor temperature, humidity, the look is changeful form, screwy , case become warped, craze, and plasterboard stability should exceed splint.

2005年1月寿终正寝的服装和纺织品的进口限制,使产品价格居高不下,严重扭曲了纺织品自然交易。The entrance of the dress of die and textile was restricted in January 2005, make product value house does not fall high, serious and screwy textile nature trades.

它的样子看起来的确很吓人,它那非凡粗黑的树干和扭曲的树枝伸向满月的天空,宛如一个狰狞的魔鬼。Its appearance looks very fearsome really, it that is particularly thick black truncal extend the sky to full moon with screwy branch, just like the devil of a ferocious.