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虽然钱只有那么一点点,但你还是可以把事做成的。You can do it even with a barebones budget.

这里使用一个网络名称空间,并创建基本的读写内容。A network namespace is used, and barebones read-write contents are created.

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我们只需要一些骨干人员去飞船上为教导进程做准备。We will have only the barebones ones we need on board to prepare for the teaching process.

网站内容还欠缺,标签和色使得关键要素增添了生活气息。s website is rather barebones in content, the tag and ribbon add extra life to key elements.

鉴于Facebook目前提供的诸类丰富特性,上述服务未免显得过于简单了。Pretty barebones at this point, considering the wealth of features Facebook currently offers.

它有一个光滑直观的图形用户界面来保持准系统,以便你能轻松地导航应用程序。It has a slick and intuitive GUI that keeps it barebones so that you can easily navigate the app.

这也是为什么即使使用最原始的编辑器的用户也能创造出优美的网页来。That's why even the poorest user with a barebones text editor can compose the most elaborate of HTML pages.

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因此,至少提供一个值得考虑的框架执行也是很有意义的。It makes sense, therefore, to provide at least a barebones implementation that takes that into consideration.

如果被解雇的话,确定有足够的现金能够在三到六个月中应付紧急事件。Make sure to have tee to six months of emergency cash stashed away to pay barebones expenses if you're laid off.

本文研究方法分别以数值模拟及实验来探讨准系统电脑中分离式散热模组之散热性能。Based on numerical simulation and experiment, this research probes into the performance of separated thermal module in barebones computer.

技嘉科技是全球前五大的主机板厂商,产品线涵盖主机板、绘图卡、准系统、网通产品、服务器及数字家电。Gigabyte Technology is the world's top five motherboard manufacturers, product line covers motherboards, graphics cards, barebones , Netcom products, servers and digital appliances.