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胡安住在纽约,他给住在俄勒冈州的的戴夫写了一封信。Dave lives in Oregon.

我们打算搬回俄勒冈州去。We’re moving back to Oregon.

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她的家人都在俄勒冈州。Her family was back in Oregon.

经过俄勒冈州有机认证。Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth.

Dan现在生活在俄勒冈州的波特兰市。Dan currently resides in Portland, Oregon.

我们在俄勒冈州的波特兰时,就以此为生That's how we survived in Portland, Oregon.

我们往北穿过门多西诺进入俄勒冈。North we went through Mendocino and into Oregon.

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我在俄勒冈州长大,我崇拜帕特布恩。Back in Oregon where I grew up, I adored Pat Boone.

爸爸曾经在华盛顿州和俄勒冈州做过伐木工。Dad had been a lumberjack in Washington and Oregon.

为什么我们想要俄勒冈州和加州Why did we want Oregon? Why did we want California?

俄勒冈州正在为了这种贸易关系尽自己的一份力量。The state of Oregon is doing its bit for that trade.

戈博公司创办于1939年的美国俄勒冈州波特兰市。Gobo company was founded in 1939 in Portland, Oregon.

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巴拉克·奥巴马在俄勒冈州比佛顿的竞选活动中说。Barack Obama at a campaign event in Beaverton, Oregon.

这时候,一点点俄勒冈的新鲜空气就有如解药!Wouldn’t some fresh Oregon air be the perfect antidote!

该公司在加利福尼亚和俄勒冈州出售西瓜汁。It is selling watermelon juice in California and Oregon.

来自俄勒冈州的纽波特,包机的渔船磁头出海。A charter fishing boat heads to sea from Newport, Oregon.

上一次也就是两个月前在俄勒冈断的。And the last one was just about 2 months ago up in Oregon.

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它发生在关“u200b”u200b闭俄勒冈州北部海岸的海洋。It happened under the ocean off the northern Oregon coast.

曼迪.默克是从俄勒冈州的里德学院转来牛津的。Mandy Merck had come to Oxford from Reed College in Oregon.

今天,来自波特兰俄勒冈州的观众海莉·麦克雷向科学家提出疑问Today, Hayley McCrea of Portland, Oregon asks the scientists