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他的观点是从进化论角度出发的。So he's making the evolutionary argument.

见“蜘蛛进化关系网”See "Untangling Spiders' Evolutionary Web."

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这是进化科学史的一个研究主题。That is part of the wonder of evolutionary science.

慈悲心似乎指导着进化的价值。Compassion, it seems, has direct evolutionary value.

这个观点并不受进化生物学家待见。Among evolutionary biologists, this idea is contested.

裸子植物次生木质部的进化趋势。Evolutionary trends in secondary xylem of gymnosperms.

从进化学角度来看,这种相关性可能是说得通的。In evolutionary terms, this correlation may make sense.

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始祖地人猿到人类的进化途径How Ardipithecus fits into humankind's evolutionary path

那种警觉的状态会形成某种进化感。It made some evolutionary sense, that state of alertness.

蛋白质折迭是一个复杂的演化过程。Forming protein folding is a complex evolutionary process.

你只能通过存在“进化上的共同祖先”来解释。You can only explain this by evolutionary common ancestry.

它基因组的一半的有着直截了当的进化历史。Half of its genes have a straightforward evolutionary history.

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文中还就大鲵脊髓在进化历程中的位置作了讨论。The evolutionary position of the spinal cord is also discussed.

在那时,该化石在进化史中的地位还不清楚。At the time, its exact place in evolutionary history was unclear.

但是相信"上帝"可能有什么进化优势吗?But what could be the evolutionary advantage of believing in God?

在你的演变之旅中,你可能曾经也是食用动物。In your evolutionary journey, you may have been food animal also.

这种趋势具有稳定社会的进化价值。This tendency had the evolutionary value of stabilizing societies.

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傅利兰利用生物资讯学来进行演化生物学的研究。STEPHEN J. FREELAND uses bioinformatics to study evolutionary biology.

康熙来了。两个在人类进化中最重要的进化进步?What were two evolutionary advances most critical in human evolution ?

进化生物学家们总是希望历史可以回转。Evolutionary biologists have long wondered if history can run backward.