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在这一点上,麦道夫创造了他最胆大妄为的发明。Here, Madoff made his most audacious innovation.

你的起点应该是零。You won't be penalized for having audacious goals.

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你不会因为大胆的目标而受到惩罚。You won’t be penalized for having audacious goals.

他的杜松子酒也是一个大胆的产物,奇怪且令人惊颤。His gin is also an audacious animal, odd and thrilling.

NLRB正在推动卡片检查的过程中扮演着同样大胆的角色。NLRB is playing an equally audacious role in pushing card-check.

“这个胆大的网站必须马上被关闭”,Manchi说道。"This audacious website should be shut down immediately, " Manchin said.

一旦有人撑腰,这帮家伙就变得胆大包天。Now that they were backed up, these fellows became audacious in the extreme.

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五分钟,十分钟,一个小时,它将是妙趣横生且有知无畏的。For five minutes, ten minutes, an hour, it is gleefully fun, strikingly audacious.

沙漠战事的得手,本来会意味着隆美尔的气焰嚣张的军队的毁灭。Success in the Desert would have meant the destruction of Rommel's audacious force.

“提尔古茨”号战列舰由于我们小型潜艇发动的大胆而英勇的袭击而丧失了战斗力。The Tirpitz had been disabled by the audacious and heroic attack of our midget submarines.

在黑色舰队的“萨拉托加”号航空母舰上,海军少将约瑟夫·M·里夫斯设想了一个大胆的计划。In the Black force carrier Saratoga, Rear Admiral Joseph M. Reeves conceived an audacious plan.

然后,比利·麦默恩构想并实施了他一生中最惊人和大胆的举动。And then Billy McMahan conceived and accomplished the most startling and audacious act of his life.

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但它是独创的、大胆而激动人心的,而且因为它没有任何坏处而显得有点不真确。But it was original, audacious and exciting and a spot of wild implausibility did it no harm at all.

由于我们方面一错再错,加上运气不好,才使罗斯福在这次大胆的军事行动中得以成功。A pyramiding of mistakes and bad luck on our side gave Roosevelt success in his audacious military move.

有点调皮却不张扬,看似漫不经心的随意背后,隐藏着自由的生活态度。Piquant but not audacious , the free living attitude is concealed behind by the unbending and insouciance.

那些过于谨慎的人,浑身是猫性,并且正因为他们是猫,他们遇到的危险有时反而比大胆的人更多更大。The over-prudent, cats as they are, and because they are cats, sometimes incur more danger than the audacious.

甘地思想中大胆的激进主义通常都会被他温和普遍的崇敬所掩盖。The audacious radicalism of Gandhi’s ideas is too often lost in the blandly universal reverence his name evokes.

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小飞行器大胆俯冲,猛烈地砸在地狱猫的头上,接着又朝舱门急速升高。The flying thing made an audacious dive, smacking the 'Cat rudely on the head, then zooming for the hatch again.

为了抵御龙属、狂人或残忍的地精类生物,它们建起了城市把野蛮阻挡在外。Whether proud dragonborn, audacious humans, or brutal goblinoids, they build cities and push back the wilderness.

德国人的决定影响了你的观点,对中国放弃核能将遭遇怎样的打击只字不提?The influence of Germany makes you not audacious enough to ask what would be the main aspect of a such blow in China!