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真理观是詹姆士实用主义哲学的核心内容。Outlook of truth is the core of James' pragmatism.

我们需要召集同样的实用主义去拯救全人类。We need to muster the same pragmatism to save humanity.

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理解亚洲方式的关键是它们的实用主义。The key to understanding Asian approaches is their pragmatism.

“关于“地球”的实用主义和理想主义一样多。As much as idealism there really is a pragmatism to Earthships.

在当今亚洲,经济务实主义胜过意识形态分歧。In today's Asia, economic pragmatism trumps ideological divisions.

所以罗蒂主张保留实用主义而把经验主义加以剔除。Because of this, Rorty claims reserve Pragmatism and give up Empiricism.

本周,他乐观实用主义在秋寒料峭的莫斯科接受检验。This week his optimistic pragmatism was tested in a chilly, autumnal Moscow.

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这是一种精明的务实方针,可推动在公共卫生方面见出成效。This is the kind of hard-nosed pragmatism that gets results in public health.

然而,在Misada民族主义者的花言巧语经常被现实主义者所遏制。Here in Misasa, however, nationalist rhetoric is often tempered by pragmatism.

这是种有趣的街头实用主义与哲学的组合。It was a very interesting combination of streetwise pragmatism and philosophy.

“啄食”秩序可能会改变,但是实用主义与高效率永远有重要意义。The pecking order may change, but pragmatism and efficiency will always count.

不要将美国国民性中的实用主义和个人主义绝对化。Nationals of the United States not to the absolute individualism and pragmatism.

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实用主义从此制约着中国民族主义者的直觉,但能坚持多久呢?Pragmatism has so far restrained China's nationalist instincts, but for how long?

作为德意志文化传统之一的实用主义具有鲜明的双重性。The pragmatism as one of cultural tradition in Germany has distinct dual natures.

她的女儿——陈雯属于继承了这种实用主义的一代人。Her daughter, Chen Wen, belongs to a generation that has inherited that pragmatism.

如果这个论文题解是罗斯福和相对立的里根的政策,那么他们的结合就是实用主义。If the thesis was Roosevelt and the antithesis Reagan, the synthesis is pragmatism.

“有用即真理”是典型的实用主义,是唯心主义的真理观。That"Usefulness Is Truth"is a typical pragmatism and idealistic conception of truth.

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这一计划提出的灵敏性和务实的对中国文化和思想。This program presents the sensibility and pragmatism of Chinese culture and thought.

生活的功利化和实用化与生活的游戏、冒险、刺激,相互并存。Utilitarianism and pragmatism coexist with the games, adventures and thrills in life.

中国的外交政策一直是一个常常奇怪的组合实用主义和背信弃义。China 's foreign policy has always been an often bizarre mix of pragmatism and perfidy.