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看,鸟都回巢了。Look, the birds are homing.

你仍像是没有归航的船!You still like no homing ship!

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都可以应用4A归位的方法把牌洗出来。Can be applied to 4A homing method shuffle.

这么晚回家,奥德韦已做好了挨骂的准备。Ordway was prepared to be hopped on for so late homing.

完善臂归位程序在达到超时。Perfector arm A reached timeout during homing procedure.

他建议首先筑造一个大网,然后在归巢。He recommends casting a wide net first, and then homing in.

如果让啄木鸟与家鸽交配,我们会得到什么?。What do we get if we cross woodpecker with a homing pigeon?

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“我开始是靠卖家鸽致富的”,他解释道。"I first became rich selling homing pigeons, " he explained.

所有的皇家轿车都装有电子自导引装置。All the royal cars are fitted with electronic homing devices.

我跟哥哥在老屋门口见了面,就像两只归家的鸽子。My brother and I met up at our old house, like homing pigeons.

装有身份证的小盒被追踪到了,车手用手挖出了它。The homing case is located, and the biker digs up the ID card.

如果信鸽和啄木鸟杂交我们能得到什么?What do we get if we cross a woodpecker with a homing pigeon ?

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我的短信亦只能是一艘向你行进却迟迟没有归航的船只。My message is only a tardy un- homing sail that bear up for you.

使用防空火箭--长程的智能寻的飞弹。It will use anti-air rockets, they're long range homing missiles.

东风-15C据称具有600公里的射程和末端制导能力。The DF-15C is reported to have a 600 kilometer range and terminal homing.

文章就肿瘤干细胞的归巢行为进行综述。The homing characteristic of tumor stem cells is discussed in this paper.

古德约翰森正在试图回到英超加盟西汉姆。Eidur Gudjohnsen is homing in on a return to the Premiership with West Ham.

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如何开始训练在这个自由的动物护理一个年轻的信鸽视频。How to begin training a young homing pigeon in this free animal care video.

信鸽可以训练用来执行人们所要求的任务。The homing pigeon can be trained to carry out the mission that people demand.

采用C-W制导算法,对寻的段飞行任务的标称轨道进行了设计。The normal orbit in the homing phase is designed based on a C-W guidance law.