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乐团经理扣好了羔皮外套。The impresario had buttoned his astrakhan coat.

乐团经理扣好了羔皮外套。The impresario had buttoned his astrakhan coat.

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他,季曼·卡普,是俄罗斯海滨酒家的老板。He was Zyama Karp, the impresario of the Russian Riviera restaurant.

下个季节将举办一次大型的系列音乐会。The impresario will present an expanded series of concerts next season.

多次获得优秀辅导教师和优秀指挥奖。She is named as Outstanding Tutorship Teacher and Outstanding Impresario.

这位音乐人可能会被封为爵士,作为他对音乐和慈善事业的奖励。The pop impresario is set to become Sir Simon Cowell as a reward for his services to music and charity work.

作为驾驭多种媒介方式的大师,他创作的抽象主义作品中呈现出可读性极高的文化标志。An impresario of mixed media, he creates abstract compositions from which readable cultural signifiers emerge.

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这个舞会是乐队经理罗博特。纽曼的想法,在英国最新建造的皇后音乐厅的经理。The Proms was the brainchild of the impresario Robert Newman, manager of the newly built Queen's Hall in London.

但邱如白的“是梅兰芳的孤独成全了他”的陈词滥调相当站不住脚。But his impresario Qiu Rubai's implication that Mei's art is inspired by loneliness is groundless and rather cliched.

音乐经理人西蒙·考威尔或许因为门生众多而能够问鼎音乐排行榜,但是在“英国最具衣着品味男人”榜中他只得到一个不好不坏的43名。Music impresario Simon Cowell may top the record charts with his proteges, but could only manage a modest 43 in the best-dressed list.

音乐经理人西蒙•考威尔或许因为门生众多而能够问鼎音乐排行榜,但是在“英国最具衣着品味男人”榜中他只得到一个不好不坏的43名。Music impresario Simon Cowell may top the record charts with his proteges , but could only manage a modest 43 in the best-dressed list.

然而,这场演出的澳大利亚总设计师大卫·阿特金斯表示这场开幕式的组织者无法控制其繁华。However, David Atkins, the Australian impresario who produced the show, said the organisers of the event were unable to contain their exuberance.

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共同创办梦工厂的音乐经理人葛芬及房地产开发商布洛德也有意出价买下洛杉矶时报。Geffen, the music impresario and a co-founder of DreamWorks SKG, and Eli Broad, a real estate developer, have explored making bids for The Los Angeles Times.

拥有五名成员的Boyzone组合在爱尔兰、澳大利亚、新西兰、英国以及亚洲广受欢迎。The five-member band, put together by pop impresario Louis Walsh, who also assembled Girls Aloud and Westlife, was most popular in Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Asia and Britain.

由莫伊拉·希勒扮演的一个年轻的芭蕾舞演员,在霸道的团长沃尔布吕克监督下驱使她放弃有嫉妒心的丈夫马留斯·戈尔林,而走到演艺能力的顶峰。Moira Shearer stars as a young ballerina driven to perform at the peak of her abilities by domineering impresario Anton Walbrook much to the consternation of her jealous husband Marius Goring.