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高尔夫球场选址仪式。What is the yardage of this golf course?

呢处又系有两个果岭,要码数清楚最好问球僮。Two greens again, ask your caddy for yardage.

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这里也是有两个果岭,要准确的码数最好先问问球僮。Two greens again, ask your caddy for yardage.

网站国6787,艾米可以请你减少码数吗?Web states 6787, AMY can you please reduce yardage?

你什么时候按要求给我寄运输样品码数呢?When you able to send me the shipment sample yardage as request?

这种衣服在折边处有以码计的多余部分向外飘摆着。The dress floats out to an extravagant drift of yardage at the hem.

我们有任何码数和任何宽度为60英寸或更小的轧制机。Rolls are available in any yardage and any width 60 inches wide or smaller.

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请在报价考虑费用时把这块考虑进去,因为我方将不支付你方样布费。Pls always take it to account when u cost as we will not pay for the sample yardage.

我想知道CMPT,码数和工作项目。这也是考验之一。你会怎么办?I want to know CMPT, yardage and work project. that's also one of tests. will you do?

最后,码数Pro是防水,所以你可以在任何天气条件下使用而不用担心它。Finally, the Yardage Pro is waterproof so you can use it in any weather conditions without worrying.

在足球球门线防守可以运行在该领域中短码数的情况。The goal line defense in football can be run in the middle of the field on short yardage situations.

这个球洞的杆距比标示的要短,但每一杆务必要精确。This hole plays much shorter than the yardage but makes up for with a premium on precision each shot.

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第二杆的码数必须打足,或稍加一点,果岭周围的落差不好救球。The second shot got to have enough yardage or more to get on the green, or it is tough to get up an down.

人们经常问我他们应该游多少码的距离,这个问题实在难于回答,因为每个人的体能状态千差万别。People often ask me how much yardage they should swim. That is almost impossible to answer, because everyone's physical makeup is so different.

球员的球位和试图挥杆区域受到掘穴动物、爬行动物和鸟类的洞穴、遗弃物和通道或者喷漆的码数点的妨碍时,可以接受补救。Relief is available for lie of ball or area of intended swing from any hole, cast or runway made by a burrowing animal, a reptile or a bird, or any painted yardage spot.