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因此这两个种亲缘上是相近的。Therefore the two species were close in consanguinity.

从其字面上看,它明显就是血缘关系的一种模拟。It's a kind of simulation to the consanguinity obviously.

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设定精子使用率上限是用来规避近亲繁殖的风险的。The concern in setting a limit is the genetic risk of consanguinity.

可他们对这种正义和同宗的呼声也同样充耳不闻。They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity.

可他们对这种正义和同宗的呼声也同样充耳不闻。They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity.

我把海底的世界,同族统统忘光了,忘了。I forget up the undersea world, the consanguinity entirely forgot up, forgot.

结合文献,就XP患者的临床、分型、血缘关系及肿瘤的发生进行了分析讨论。The clinical features, classification, consanguinity and tumor incidence in XP are discussed.

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在所有这些表中,他们实际上都是通过血缘和婚姻相互联系在一起的。In each and all of these systems they are bound to each other in fact by consanguinity and affinity.

同宗意识亦即共同的血缘意识或共同的先祖意识,它是民族观念的构成要素之一。The consciousness of common ancestry or consanguinity is a constituent element of the notion of a nation.

祖先崇拜是鬼魂崇拜和人的血亲观念相结合的产物,积淀着人类思维发展过程的?The worship of ancestry is a product of combining the worship of ghost with the concept of consanguinity.

其没有明显的近亲婚育的家族病史。Her family history was unremarkable in terms of consanguinity and following ultrasound findings were discovered.

纹身有着龙图腾的原始印记,同时也是氏族血缘的标记。Body-tattooing is both the remains of the Dais' traditional dragon totem worship and a sign of clan consanguinity.

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病史之外,没有必要仅根据有血缘关系这一条理由就进行任何的基因测试。Aside from a thorough medical family history, there is no need to offer any genetic testing on the basis of consanguinity alone.

陇西李氏之兴,与古羌族的发展有密切的血缘关系。The prosperity of the people with a surname of Lee in Longxi has consanguinity with the development of the ancient Qiang nationality.

实际上,血缘及地缘只是“乌力楞”这一实体的两个侧面,而生态则是其又一个重要的侧面。Actually, consanguinity and geography are only two sides of urilen, whereas as another side of urilen, ecology is of great importance.

它们在区分血亲姻亲、宗族与外族以及亲属称谓泛化等方面都有差异。The difference exists in differentiation of consanguinity and affinity, clan and non-clan and the generalization of the kinship terms.

大家庭的存在一方面是社会环境外部的影响,另一方面在于家庭成员浓厚的血缘亲情与整合观念。The existence of big family was influenced by outer environment and based on the consanguinity relation ship and the idea of conformity.

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金汇镇的通婚范围和血缘自然扩散状况可以代表上海及南方多数地区。The intermarriage scope and consanguinity natural diffuseness can stand for the situations in shanghai and in large parts of south China.

“亚细亚生产方式”的特殊性质,使得华夏先民在进入文明社会的过程中完好地保存了氏族社会遗传下来的家族血缘关系。In traditional China, the society is an ethic society of the isomorphic of family and state on the base of consanguinity patriarchal clan system.

注重道德情操,赞美情深义重的亲情和友情,弘扬刻苦耐劳的传统精神,是张欣小说主人公塑造的审美理性观照。Valuing moral sentiments, praising consanguinity and friendship and extolling traditional hardy spirits characterize the roles in Zhang's novels.