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嘉鱼是我的故乡。Jiayu is my hometown.

海门市是我的家乡。Haimen is my hometown.

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我的家乡是缙云。My hometown is Jinyun.

人的故城是芝加哥。Chicago is my hometown.

高淳是我的家乡。Gaochun is my hometown.

赫尔希是我的家乡。Hershey is my hometown.

意大利是他的故乡。Italy was his hometown.

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我的家乡是天津。My hometown is Tianjin.

你的老家是哪里?What is your hometown?

海门市是我的家乡。Shanghai is my hometown.

景泰,我的家乡。I love my hometown forever.

姑姑爱家乡,我更爱家乡。My aunt loves our hometown.

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我的家乡在庐山。My hometown is Mount Lushan.

上党是神话的故乡。Shangdang hometown is a myth.

那本书提到我的家乡。The book eaks of my hometown.

这就是我深爱的家乡。There is my beloved hometown.

他的家乡就在日照。Rizhao is exactly his hometown.

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这里是戚继光的故里。This was Qi Jiguang's hometown.

介绍一下你的家乡好吗?Can you introduce your hometown?

19XX年,我的家乡解放了。In 19XX my hometown was liberated.