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上海三尖电子与您一同走向自由多彩新世界!Ltd lead you to enter a free polychrome world !

女人是一道道美丽多彩的风景线。The woman is a fairness and polychrome scenery.

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情感的水源,孕育了多彩的生活,至诚的生命!Affective wellhead was bred to be polychrome life and sincere life!

让我们共同创造温暖的辉煌,迎接万紫千红的春天。Let's create the warm resplendence together, and greet the polychrome spring.

在新王国时期,绘有植物图案的彩色砖用于房舍和宫殿中。In the New Kingdom, polychrome tiles with floral designs were used in houses and palaces.

汤三彩是一个多彩的手工艺品有黄色,绿色和白色为主要色调。Tang San Cai is a polychrome handicraft with yellow, green, and white as its major tones.

多色彩的方案已由主要以和金色细部装饰和红地毯装饰一起的白色装饰所替代。The polychrome colour scheme has been replaced by mainly white decoration with gold details and red upholstery.

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多彩被用来制造首饰用了很多不同的主题使用镂空图案和几个相互关联的项目。Polychrome was used to produce jewelry with a lot of different themes using openwork motifs and several linked items.

阿尔塔米拉洞穴里的岩石多彩大厅以其顶板的装饰可与旧石器时代的西斯廷教堂相比拟。Rocky Polychrome Hall in Altamira Cave has been compared to a Paleolithic Sistine Chapel because of its decorated ceiling.

园内土壤从棕色到红色再从赭色到紫色,这个多彩的土丘产是一种罕见地质现象。Varying from brown to red, from ochre to pink and purple, these polychrome dunes are the results of a rare geological phenomenon.

安徽新石器时代的绘彩陶器可分为彩陶和彩绘陶两类,前者主要分布在淮河流域和皖西,而后者则主要分布在皖西南一带。The polychrome pottery in the Neolithic Anhui Province can be divided into the painted before fired and painted after fired pottery.

首先,彩色的鱼状雕塑游动于窗前,向食客展示着菜肴,欢迎着食客到店内小坐。The first, a polychrome , fish-like object swims through the front window, displaying the menu and welcoming diners into the restaurant.

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不走寻常路的摄影师比斯瓦斯,为记录周遭多彩的世界,在过去四年间已自拍30多张。The unconventional photographer has taken over 30 selfies over four years in an attempt to record the world around her in the polychrome globe.

椴木、彩瓷与铸铜三种材质相结合的钟表,因为技术含量甚高,更是难以仿制。Hibiscus syriacus wood, polychrome ware and sculptures combining three materials clocks because high technological content is difficult to imitate.

使用可调试展布架,可调节下布之倾角,使得彩条布匹开幅后线条笔直卷布平整。The adjustable spreading holder and adjustable fabric-feed inclination make straight lines and smooth rolling fabric after scutching polychrome cloth.

秦汉时期,中国丝绸日益辉煌,丝绸之路在汉代正式开通,五彩织锦成为最高的丝织技术。During the Qin and Han dynasties, silk production and technology achieved a high state of development. Polychrome jin -silk attained technical excellence.

在中国,传统的笔墨绘画有很大空间,也有单色绘画和多色绘画的空间,也有一切事情的空间,就像纽约一样。In China, there is room for the traditional brush drawing. There is room for monochrome and polychrome . There is room for everything, as there is in New York.

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流苏垂直状的水晶灯流光溢彩,由于格子金属架的应用,能够随着灯光和角度的不同展现出多重的颜色。For the dividing vertical elements polychrome gold cristal , which reflects multiple tonalities depending on light and perspective, and metal lattice were used.

名窑包括越州窑,景德镇窑,该窑生产彩饰和红釉瓷器,及生产碗盘的龙泉窑和磁州窑。The kilns include Yue kiln, Jingdezhen kiln which produces polychrome and famille-rose ware, Longquan kiln . that makes plates and bowls, and the Cizhou ceramics.

奇特的自然景色与多彩的民族风情交相辉映,令人陶醉期间。Here is the kibutz of Sani person, legendary hometown of Ashi Ma. vagarious nature landscape and polychrome nationality amorous feelings, make people inebriety in it.