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我会在奥运会期间常来更新我的博客的。P. S. I'll update it always during the Olympiad.

这标志着历史上第一个奥林比亚德的开始。This marked the beginning of the first Olympiad.

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在那本奥数书中共有三十五讲。There are 35 topics in the Olympiad Mathematics book.

她花了一个半的小时在学习奥数。And she spent one hour and a half in learning Mathematical Olympiad.

在马西莫夫看来,举行如此规模的奥林匹克竞赛在20年前是很难的。In Massimov's opinion, such Olympiad could hardly be held 20 years ago.

因此,她整个晚上都在自学奥数。So she spent the whole night in learning Mathematical Olympiad by herself.

她就自学了一晚上的奥数。She just spent the whole night in learning Olympiad Mathematical by herself.

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上个星期天,我女儿做完了那本四年级奥数题。My daughter finished the Olympiad Mathematics book for grade four last Sunday.

2008年北京奥运会,您将是充满智慧的、绿色的。In 2008 Beijing Olympiad , your general are to be full of sapiential , green's.

第21届冬奥会将于2月12日开幕,直至本月月底。The 21st Winter Olympiad starts on Feb 12, and runs until the end of the month.

当奥林匹克运动会的远古游戏出生的时候,摔交已经是一场远古的游戏。When the ancient Games of the Olympiad were born, wrestling already was an ancient game.

2004年夏季奥林匹克运动会是该国第七次参加奥运赛事。The 2004 Summer Olympics was the seventh time that the nation had competed in the Olympiad.

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2008年2月,上海大众又成为2008年北京奥运会火炬接力供应商成员企业。And in February 2008, SVW became a member of the 2008 Beijing Olympiad Torch Relay Supplier.

1920年,奥林匹克旗第一次飘荡在安特卫普夏季奥运会体育场。The Olympic Flag was used for the first time in the 7th Olympiad in Antwerp, Belgium in 1920.

在2008年北京奥运会上,28个大项和分项比赛项目已经不会有变。On Beijing Olympiad in 2008, 28 major terms and the subitem event already can not have changing.

机器人青少年世界杯、世界青少年机器人奥林匹克竞赛等,深受各国青少年欢迎。Robot competitions such as RoboCup Junior, World Robot Olympiad are welcomed by youth worldwide.

奥林匹克的官方誓言是在1972年的慕尼黑奥运会上首次出现的。The Olympic Official's Oath was sworn for the first time in the XXth Olympiad at Munich in 1972.

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第三,我还花了一些时间教我女儿做奥数题。Third, I spent some time in teaching my daughter how to work out the Olympiad mathematics problems.

因此,今天晚上她花了一个半小时的时间在自学一本奥数书的内容。So she spent one hour and a half in learning Mathematical Olympiad with a book by herself this evening.

2004年在希腊举办的24届夏季奥运会是瑞士参加的第二十二次奥运会。The 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens was the twenty-second time that the nation had competed in Olympiad.