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蒙古高原啊!Mongolia plateau Ah!

蒙古也要繁荣了。Mongolia is about to boom.

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中国与蒙古国接壤。China marches with Mongolia.

蒙古,能否成为下一个迪拜?Could Mongolia Be the Next Dubai?

先是外蒙古问题。First, the issue of Outer Mongolia.

蒙古也在跟随全球的趋势。Mongolia follows global trends too.

去年我住过摩洛哥山里的贝多因营地,上周我还要徒步行走蒙古。Next week, I'm trekking in Mongolia.

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去年夏天在蒙古草原上。On a grassland, Mongolia last summer.

中国的北方同蒙古接邻。China borders on Mongolia to the north.

外蒙古是谁把它卖给史太林的?Who sold away Outer Mongolia to Stalin?

1946年生于内蒙古商都。Born in Shangdu, Inner Mongolia in 1946.

拜登将于下周一结束访华,前往蒙古国。Mr. Biden departs on Monday for Mongolia.

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筷子舞起源于蒙古的舞蹈。This chopstick dance comes from Mongolia.

我因娈童而在蒙古国遭到通缉。ALLEN I'm wanted for pederasty in Mongolia.

蒙古是名副其实的机会之地。Mongolia really is the land of opportunity.

杨利伟在内蒙古安全着陆。Yang Liwei landed in Inner Mongolia safely.

在七十一到七十五岁时,她像是蒙古。Between 71 and 75, a woman is like Mongolia.

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最近刚结束今年暑假的蒙古营队。My summer camp in Mongolia finished recently.

而在蒙古羊群体中未检测到该突变。No B allele was detected in the Mongolia sheep.

有个叫阿巴格的人生活在内蒙古草原上。One's people live in Inner Mongolia grasslands.