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食物总是一种伟大的强化剂。The plate has always been a great fortifier.

用于营养食品和婴幼儿食品的营养强化。Used as a fortifier in baby foods and nutrition.

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研究了CCM的结构和组成,介绍了CCM作为钙营养强化剂的优良特性。The good characteristic and application of CCM as calcium fortifier are introduced.

宗教是那些遭受压迫和不公的人的强有力精神支柱。Religion is a massively powerful fortifier to those suffering oppression and injustice.

采用复因素试验对新型面粉增筋剂进行了应用研究。By means of compound factors test, the application of new flour gluten fortifier was studied.

我国允许应用的营养强化剂主要有维生素类、氨基酸类和无机盐类。The allowable nutrition fortifier in China mainly covers vitamins, amino acids, and inorganic salt.

许多早产儿都是由自己的母亲喂养的,但使用营养丰富的乳汁强化剂将能更好地喂养这些婴儿。Many preemies were fed milk from their own mothers instead, boosted with a nutrient-rich infant fortifier.

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普罗拉克塔的研究人员们想,如果使用人的乳汁来提炼强化剂,这些问题也许会减少。The researchers at Prolacta wondered whether an infant fortifier from human milk would cause fewer problems.

盘中餐往往是强身健体的好东西。汤能使人得到康复,炖菜能使人得到安慰,而一块好的巧克力能使人脱离烦恼。The plate has always been a great fortifier. Soup to heal stew to comfort escape delivered in a good piece of chocolate.

食物总是一种伟大的强化剂。喝汤可以治病,吃炖菜使人感到舒服,更不用说,来上一块美味的巧克力了。The plate has always been a great fortifier. Soup to heal, stew to comfort, escape delivered in a good piece of chocolate.

采用复因素和三因素二次回归正交实验对新型面粉增筋剂进行了研究。By means of compound factors test and three factors quadrat orthogonal test design, the new flour gluten fortifier were studied.

通过将“强化剂”和一个大电容器组合在一起,即便是肢离破碎的尸体也能被你唤起,让它们在毫无意识的状态下为你战斗!By combining the Fortifier and a large capacitor, you can raise even the most mutilated of corpses to fight mindlessly by your side!

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但是由于这种乳汁强化剂是由牛奶提炼而成的,所以经常会带来副作用,如过敏反应和消化不良。But since this fortifier was made from cow's milk, it often caused adverse effects, such as allergic reactions or digestive problems.