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怀特霍尔街上流传著谣言。Rumours are circulating in Whitehall.

辛迪·怀特尔.你和她上床了?。Cindi Whitehall. Have you had sex with her?

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在白厅,这是一个特别的星期,公务员们都心烦意乱了。It was a unique week in Whitehall and civil servants are shattered.

“所有的风险都落到了消费者的身上,”一位白厅消息人士说。"All the risk is falling on the consumer, " a Whitehall source said.

昨天白厅的二战胜利日纪念仪式上,布朗疲态尽显。Attending the VE Day ceremony in Whitehall yesterday he looked exhausted.

白厅多年来都合约聘佣了相当数量的咨询师。Armies of consultants are employed as contractors across Whitehall for years.

从理论上说,伦敦白厅官员与部长们监视帝国运作。In theory, Whitehall officials and ministers back in London oversaw the empire.

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能暂时逃离英国国会与大楼的平淡无奇,我的喜悦之情真的是难以言表。Can I say how delighted I am to be away from the calm of Westminster and Whitehall?

1685年去世后,查尔斯二世,雷恩的注意力主要是针对英国政府。After the death of Charles II in 1685, Wren's attention was directed mainly to Whitehall.

托尼·布莱尔和戈登·布朗常脸红脖子粗地向人们讲述一个“不断改进”的白厅和之前老旧唠叨的种种。Tony Blair and Gordon Brown talked excitedly about “transforming” Whitehall and its fuddy-duddy ways.

那天下午晚些时候,达尔文在斯普林花园17号住下,转弯过来就是怀特霍尔街。Later that afternoon Darwin took up lodgings at 17 Spring Gardens, just around the corner from Whitehall.

沿着北线再经过一个停车站把你带到白厅大街北端的查林十字车站本身。One more stop down the Northern Line takes you to Charing Cross itself, at the northern end of Whitehall.

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但是帮助白厅理解幸福正是马蒂塞利格曼今年夏天在伦敦所做的。But helping Whitehall understand well-being is precisely what Marty Seligman was doing this summer in London.

谢谢警官唐,埃里克和吉诺他们宝贵的时间和帮助。Thank you to Sergeant Don McGraw, Officer Eric Patao, and Officer Gino Whitehall for all of their time and help.

根据白厅的资料,卡梅隆认为这个决策并没有得到良好的执行,他于是介入此事。Mr Cameron is intervening because he thinks that decision has not been followed through, says a Whitehall source.

白厅官员说,周日晚上的编码警告电话是来自于爱尔兰共和国的一个号码。Whitehall officials said the call with the coded warning came from a number in the Irish Republic on Sunday evening.

内政部拒绝就此发表评论,但白厅官员认为此事毫无根据,予以坚决否认。The Home Office declined to comment but Whitehall officials firmly rejected the claims, saying there was no evidence.

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伦敦大学学院的研究人员五年来对“白厅二期研究”的3486名参与者进行了跟踪调查。Researchers from University College, London studied 3, 486 participants from the "Whitehall II" study over five years.

1887年他晋升为军队总司令,伦敦白厅中央还竖立着他骑马的塑像。He was promoted to Commander-in-Chief in 1887 and an equestrian statue of him stands in the middle of Londons Whitehall.

英国航海家、伊利莎白一世的宠臣,沃尔特-拉雷爵士因叛逆罪在白厅街被斩首。Sir Walter Raleigh , English navigator, courtier, and once favourite of Elizabeth I, was beheaded at Whitehall for treason.