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我感到灰心丧气。I'm downhearted.

共和党人都很无精打采。The Republicans are downhearted.

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消沈的思想妨碍进步。Downhearted thoughts hinder progress.

你垂头丧气的。发生什么事了?You looked downhearted. What happened?

这是我们不应该对欧战过于失望的原因。This is why we shouldn't be too downhearted about Europe.

有我不比十个儿子还好吗?Why are you downhearted? Don't I mean more to you than ten sons?

他之前曾沉寂过一段时间,但是我想他最终又燃起了斗志。He was downhearted for a while and I think he finally got himself up.

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他看上去那么无精打采,悲伤的眼神后面会有什么动人的故事吗?He looks so downhearted. Could there be an interesting story behind his sad eyes?

我们曾经颇为消沉,因为事情并没有像预期中一样实现。We've been somewhat downhearted because things didn't turn out as we thought they would.

因目前的情形或困境变得沮丧,灰心或无精打采的。To become depressed dejected or downhearted due to one's immediate situation or pre decadent.

一天晚上,威尔·鲍温给爸爸打来电话,说“查理,我很失落很担心。One evening, Will Bowen called dad on the telephone and said, “Charley, I'm downhearted and blue.

遭此打击的刘先生“心灰意冷”,郁闷的他在家休养了一个星期,整天卧床不起。Have been hit Mr. Liu" downhearted", depressing him to rest at home for a week, day be completely bedridden.

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志宏因为国秀的拒绝而心灰意冷,打算随便娶个女人回家,急坏了侯母。Zhi Hong and China refused to show downhearted because, just going to marry a woman home, anxious mother hou.

布冯的队友内德维德在终场的哨声响起的时刻非常伤心,说他有可能会退役了。Buffon's Juventus teammate Nedved was downhearted at the final whistle and admits it could well be the end of his career.

栩栩如生的长颈鹿,它那深而自然的色调衬托着白色的家具,使整体不至于显得无精打采或苍白无力。Lifelike giraffe, that is deep and it is natural tonal foiling white furniture, make whole unapt appear downhearted or pale.

这个赛季的成熟也许不会带来太多的成果,但只要法谈及到未来布雷加斯就只剩下沮丧了。This season may not bear fruit in terms of trophies but Fabregas is anything but downhearted as far as the future is concerned.

吉格斯打了很多的季前赛,因此不会对1-2输给堪萨斯有什么感觉。Ryan Giggs has played in too many pre-season games to be too downhearted about United's surprise 2-1 loss to Kansas City Wizards.

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但尽管知名度逐渐提升,但他在2009年底消沉起来——尤其是因为他揭露的信息很少演变成重大新闻。Yet in spite of growing notoriety, at the end of 2009 he was downhearted – especially at how few leaks turned into major news events.

但忘不了阿梅一身男装对着12少唱起粤曲,还有烟雾弥漫中的颓废。But I can never forget about Ah Mui disguised as a male singing Cantonese opera to "12 Siu", and being so downhearted in drowsy smoky atmosphere.

心灰意冷的时简最终没能打破时空的界限,她决定在同一时间搭上了同一航班,灾难如期而至。The boundaries of downhearted ultimately failed to break the space. At the same time, she decided to ride on the same flight, disaster rujierzhi.