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——布克•T•华盛顿Booker T. Washington 1881—1915

特穿上了他那件肮脏油污的上衣。Booker T. put on his grimed and grease coat.

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阿米莉亚特纳,去年入围布克奖。Amelia Turner. Shortlisted for the Booker Prize last year.

这位伟大的作家对获得布克奖究竟会作何感想?How would the great man have reacted to winning the Booker?

我想她已经被列入今年“布克奖”的终选名单了。I think she has been shortlisted for the Booker prize this year.

2007年阿奇比被授予国际布克奖。In 2007 Achebe was awarded the inaugural Man Booker International prize.

如果任何人对此有疑问,那么他应该去布克·华盛顿高中看看。And if anyone doubts this, they ought to head to Booker T. Washington High.

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2011年我欣喜地接到了布克文学奖,心中顿感轻松不少。So I am as much relieved as I am delighted to receive the 2011 Booker Prize.

2005年,她被第一届布克奖提名。She was on the shortlist for the first Man Booker International Prize in 2005.

登记人——在才能部门上班并为模特登记工作的人。BOOKER A person who works for a talent agency and actually books jobs for models.

在此,我要对布克小学主面的热情和好客表示衷心的感谢。I do want to thank the folks here at Booker Elementary School for their, hospitality.

她是一位伟大的作家。我想她已经被列入今年“布克奖”的终选名单了。She's a great author. I think she has been shortlisted for the Booker prize this year.

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布克.华盛顿是知名的黑人教育家,关于谦卑,他有一个突出的事例。Booker T. Washington, the renowned black educator, was an outstanding example of this truth.

它于1999年入围布克奖,用一种罕见的激情把浪漫与政治结合起来。Shortlisted for the Booker prize in 1999, it combines romance and politics with a rare passion. LA

全球变暖论者可能会赢得巨额的补偿金,但是他们还没有赢得争论,克里斯多夫·布克这样认为。Warmists may be winning the big grants, but they're not winning the argument, says Christopher Booker

她常常一边走路一边打电话,和她的雇主确认她繁忙的时间表是否有新的变化。While walking, she is often on the phone checking in with her booker for updates to her packed schedule.

——科南·奥布莱恩在其中一期节目里的玩笑,马上激起了纽瓦克市长科里·布克的愤怒回应。Conan O'Brien, in one of a series of cracks about Newark that prompted an angry response from Mayor Cory Booker

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来自德意志银行的会议主席建议设立一个开盘价,Booker把该建议转达给交易大厅内人士及客户。The chairman, from Deutsche Bank, suggests an opening price and Booker relays it to his trading room and customers.

本周,我去了田纳西州的孟菲斯市,在那里我向布克·华盛顿高中的毕业班同学们发表了演说。This week, I went to Memphis, Tennessee, where I spoke to the graduating class of Booker T. Washington High School.

两次或布克奖提名的大卫米歇尔在日本教书时阅读了村上,获益良多。David Mitchell — twice nominated for the Booker prize — owes a huge debt to him after reading him while teaching in Japan.