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我们曾提到过一个长矛兵。We have mentioned a lancer.

说完这话,他把那长矛兵完全丢在脑后了。That said, he totally forgot the lancer.

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兰瑟拼命而无望想去抓住消失的希拉。Lancer clutched desperately for what was no longer there.

刺伤旗手的法国长枪手是奥斯本上尉杀死的。It was Captain Osborne that cut down the French lancer who had speared the ensign.

这意味着根据规则的量,一个自由职业者也许会工作一整天或者只是一小会儿。This means that depending on the work load, a free lancer may opt to work full days or shorter.

今年,配备了可选择的电子稳定控制的是三菱蓝瑟。This year, it’s the Mitsubishi Lancer when equipped with the optional electronic stability control.

三菱蓝瑟掀背探索的环境中,结合了3D和视频的直接操纵。Discover the Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback in an environment that combines 3D and Direct Manipulation video.

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2008年蓝瑟项目的拉紧的,通过其强大的设计立场,效果比皮肤更深层。The 2008 Lancer projects a tauter, stronger stance through its design, and the effect is more than skin-deep.

一个来自德克萨斯州的布赖恩的前B-1“枪骑兵”飞行员,他拥有超过1,500小时驾驶捕食者的战斗经验。A former B-1 Lancer pilot, the colonel from Bryan, Texas, has more than 1,500 combat support hours in the Predator.

附加兰瑟进化设计灵感线索包括铝合金踏板和赛车风格的运动型方向盘。Additional Lancer Evolution-inspired design cues include aluminum racing style pedals and a sport-type steering wheel.

如果击剑手此时出剑突刺,同时把长矛封在外侧,击剑手就是安全的,那枪骑兵就任凭他宰割了。If, at that moment, the swordsman lunges, forcing the lance to the outside, he is safe and the lancer is at his mercy.

让幻影长矛手能以一定的几率闪避攻击,提升在攻击中制造幻象的几率。Gives the Phantom Lancer an edge in combat by allowing him to evade attacks and increasing Juxtaposes image generation.

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让幻影长矛手能以一定的几率闪避攻击,提升在攻击中制造幻象的几率。Gives the Phantom Lancer an edge in combat by allowing him to evade attacks and increasing Juxtapose 's image generation.

因枪骑兵在左前方对他的武器拥有更强的控制力,因此不管什么时候,骑兵应尽可能朝他右前方袭击。A lancer has more control of his weapon to the left front, hence whenever possible he should be attacked on his right front.

吉诺曼先生把一个已开始要作的手势停下来,转身瞪眼望着那长矛兵忒阿杜勒,对他说M. Gillenormand paused in a gesture which he had begun, wheeled round, stared Lancer Theodule intently in the eyes, and said to him

但与三菱的更注重性能的兰瑟的变种,燃油经济性也是一个优先考虑的欧蓝德燃气轮机。But unlike Mitsubishi's more performance-oriented Lancer variants, fuel economy is also a priority consideration with the Outlander GT.

人老了,又素来腼腆虔诚,并且又是姑妈,见到一个龙骑兵走进她的绣房,那总是乐意的。One may be old, one may be a prude , one may be pious, one may be an aunt, but it is always agreeable to see a lancer enter one's chamber.

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你会看到,新欧蓝德借入大量的蓝瑟轿车-注意到“喷气式战斗机”格栅-增加其家族相似。As you will see, the new Outlander borrows heavily from the Lancer sedan —note the "Jet Fighter" grille —increasing its family resemblance.

完成10级挑战,以证明你有你的感觉和环境控制,才能最终控制蓝瑟的演变10。Complete 10 challenging levels to prove you have control of your senses and surroundings before you can ultimately control the Lancer Evolution 10.

他组织并指挥IG枪骑兵机器人军队,创建了一支精锐的快速反应部队来保护这个重要的邦联星球。He organized and led a droid army of IG lancer droids, creating an elite rapid deployment military force to protect this key world of the Confederacy.