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这条规则放诸四海而皆准。The rule is universally applied.

这些定律是普适的。These laws are universally valid.

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郭很难被广泛地喜爱。Guo is hardly universally beloved.

是举世公认的高尔夫之乡。Is universally recognised as a hole.

这是一项得到普遍认可的新理论。It is a new theory universally received.

一般说来。邋里邋遢者就是懒汉。An unclean person is universally a slothful one.

但我认为不能再一概而论的了。But I believe that is no longer universally true.

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这个道理适用于全世界,还是?Is this principle universally adapted, or just in?

尺八是一种受到普遍赏识的长笛乐器。The shakuhachi is a flute, universally appreciated.

人们普遍对于照片的真实性具有信赖感。The people universally rely on the reality of photos.

标准化零件可以通用。The standardized fittings can be employed universally.

还有什更能让我们如此普天同庆?What else are we capable of celebrating so universally?

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通用航空类公司将可能求购直升飞机!China apply universally aviation company will buy Helis!

在这些农庄,普遍地以骡代马。Mules are universally substituted for horses on the farms.

卡塔尔人通常不将这种形式强加于外国人。Qataris do not universally impose the style on foreigners.

全世界都知道你杀人夜投票是我不可或缺的。It is universally acknowledged that you are indie ible to me.

他的雄才大略是举世公认的。His rare gifts and bold strategy are universally acknowledged.

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我国现阶段,仍然存在市场无序和混乱的现象。Presently, the phenomenas of market disorder exist universally.

全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺。It is universally acknowledged that pees are indispensable to us.

日本从来没有在纳粹德国普遍受欢迎过。Japan was by no means always universally popular in Nazi Germany.