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售票亭在哪里?Where is the ticket booth?

进到大头贴照相亭。Go into a sticker photo booth.

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公共电话亭旁放一个单人沙发。Put a sofa beside a phone booth.

不久之后,一名瘾君子死于电话亭前。Soon, before a pothead dies at booth.

那儿有一个售票窗口叫做TKTS,there's a ticket booth there called TKTS

我在他们的小商亭里痛痛快快玩了一回。I played some great games at their booth.

亭站立在关税清除下。The booth stand is under customs clearance.

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他走进公共电话间打电话。He went into the booth to make a phone call.

我和朋友在照应展销会上的这个摊点。My friends and I manned the booth at the fair.

他在1865年被约翰·威尔克斯·布思暗杀身亡。He was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth in 1865.

林克和塞尔达有一个在展台隆重的存在。Lynk and Zelda had an grand presence at the booth.

人们进入摄影亭,拉上帘子。People enter the booth and draw the curtain closed.

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德律风亭给我们打德律风提供了方便。The booth offers us the convenience to make a call.

每个人都在售票亭前面排队。Everyone stays in line in front of the ticket booth.

现在有很多俱乐部对布斯科特斯感兴趣。Now has many clubs to be interested to Booth Cott Si.

站在展台前面问候与会者Stand up and greet attendees – in front of the booth.

当亚历克斯。李通过收费站时,收费站要给他20令吉。When Alex Lee drives through a toll booth he gets RM20.

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布思是一个坚定不移地奉行其基督徒天职的宗教复兴运动者。Booth was a revivalist intent on his Christian vocation.

我们参展摊位上的布条将秀出我们的商标及标语。Banners at our expo booth will sport our logo and slogan.

正巧有一个电话亭在公共汽车站附近。There happened to be a telephone booth near the bus stop.