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他挖了一个深洞。He dug a deep hole.

我用铁铲挖掘。I dug with a spade.

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他们挖得很深。They dug very deep.

他掘到古老的钱币。He dug up old coins.

他们挖出他的尸体。They dug his body up.

他们挖地逼出那只狐狸。They dug out the fox.

起初,我在脑海中掘开了一个坟墓。Mentally I dug a grave.

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他们挖掉杂草。They dug out the weeds.

他们掘蚯蚓做钓饵。They dug worms for bait.

本人们挖成的手袋。We dug into our handbags.

他们挖出许多古钱币。The dug up many old coins.

他们把墙壁挖穿了。They dug through the wall.

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他把叉子叉入肉中。He dug a fork into the meat.

他挖洞从狱中逃出。He dug himself out of prison.

他们已把那堵墙掘倒了。They have dug away that wall.

这块田需要翻土。This field needs to be dug up.

他伸手到衣袋里摸硬币。He dug for coins in his pocket.

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他们采掘矿物。They dug against a lump of ore.

他们竟然挖陷坑害我。Yet they have dug a pit for me.

蚯蚓很多,很容易挖到。Many earthworms, it is easy dug.