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和谐是爱情之母。Congruity is the mother of love.

候选人在对待税收问题的态度上有着明确的共同之处。There is a definite congruity in the candidates'approach to the tax problem.

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没有显著的文化一致性,民主只是一个失效的体系。Democracy is a system not effectively adopted without significant cultural congruity.

论证了该模型与车辆跟驰理论是统一的。Last, It proves the congruity between the kinetic model and the car-following theory.

总体来说,学生在词汇学习策略的使用频率和受益度上存在协调和不协调之处。Sixthly, there are congruity and incongruity between the usage and helpfulness of the strategies.

信息与个人的看法能够调和是知识成功的主要因素。The key success factors include the congruity between the information and the individual's perspective.

的一致性的三部曲也可以归因于这样一个事实,即电影密切注视托尔金的小说。The congruity of the trilogy can also be ascribed to the fact that the films closely follow Tolkien's novels.

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高校思想道德建设要做到理论教育与道德实践、知与行的统一。Moral construction of higher schools must be emphasized the congruity of theory and practice, knowing and doing.

通过一首诗的翻译说明该命题的现实意义,并佐证音韵与宇宙的同构。The translation of a poem proves the practicality of such a proposition and the congruity of language and universe.

我只能羡慕她那种简单的和谐一致——如果与别人对你的看法一致该是多么好。I could only envy her that sort of easy congruity — how wonderful, it seemed, to feel in accord with what others thought of you.

本文以性别图式理论为基础,结合自我概念一致性模型,并借鉴品牌延伸的相关理论,围绕该问题进行了系统的分析。Based on Gender Schema Theory and Self-concept Congruity Model, and theories of brand extension, this paper analyzes the thesis systematically.

区域控制原则以生态系统运行规律、可持续发展思想和协调论为三大基本理论支柱。Three main theories of regional control principle are ecological system transportation laws, sustained development thought and congruity theory.

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文章对传统的名词性宾语的分类标准提出质疑,认为处所宾语这个集合中的个体缺乏一致性。The paper questions the traditional classification of nominal objects and the congruity between the individual members in the set of place object.

这种新视角的前提建立在法的正义价值与效率价值的调和上,建立在经济的效率价值和分配正义的调和上。This new perspective bases on the premise of the congruity of justice and efficiency value of law, bases on the congruity of efficiency and distributive justice of economy.

本文采用基于模糊一致矩阵理论的决策优选方法,运用模糊关系合成原理将一些边界不清、不易定量的因素定量化进行综合评价。This article uses a decision-making analytical method based on fuzzy congruity theory. By using the fuzzy theory, some qualitative factors are turned to quantitative factors.

在单因素优度值计算时,采取根据模糊一致判断矩阵元素与优度值的关系来取代传统的按方根法计算优度值,使算法具有科学性和可行性。When calculating the priority values, a method based on the relationship between fuzzy congruity matrix and priority is used to make sure the algorithm is scientific and feasible.

针对遗传算法存在求解精度与收敛速度间的矛盾,提出一种自适应对称调和遗传新算法。In allusion to the conflict in solving the precision and constringency speed in genetic algorithm, this paper advances a kind of a new genetic algorithm for self adaptation, symmetry and congruity.

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从带钢的板形控制角度,又不希望使用过大的轧制力,似乎表面粗糙度和板形控制均在成品道次实现存在难于调和的矛盾。As if there is no way to get congruity between flatness and surface roughness, for the control of the latter, larger rolling force during the final pass is expected, while the former stands against.