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钱是占有物。Money is a possession.

家是占有物。Homes are a possession.

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你变成了私人占有物。You become a possession.

衣服是占有物。Clothes are a possession.

你必须占在它。You must take possession.

把占有权还给…To give back possession to.

所以,他们的占有物是什么?So – what is their possession?

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他拥有一间大屋。He is in possession of a house.

这片土地归谁所有?。Who has possession of this land?

再下一轮进攻,超音速主教练P。A possession later, Sonics coach P.

写出所有的DVD破解软件Possession of DVD-cracking software

那已经是我们家最后的财产了。It was the family’s last possession.

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男人最可贵的是有一个贤淑的妻子。Man's best possession is a loving wife.

你最珍爱的所有物是?What is your most treasured possession?

这所老房子现在归他所有。Thee old house is now in his possession.

蛰是藏的意思。Hibernation is the meaning of possession.

那盘录像带现在在她手上?She's in possession of the tape now, then?

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也永用不会失去你所拥有的美貌。Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st.

你拥有的美丽将会永远绽放。Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest.

任何具有交换价值的占有物。Any possession that has value in an exchange.