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据称,每年蒂埃里。布雷东家族订购该酒就超过3000箱。Ordering the Breton family of more than 3000 wine on me.

一大羣鸟飞越靠近布莱顿水声岛的油渍水域。Birds fly over oil on the water near Breton Sound Island.

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新斯科舍省的布雷顿海角是在大西洋加拿大地区所指定的第一个国家公园。Nova Scotia’s Cape Breton was the first national park designated in Atlantic Canada.

加拿大新斯科舍东北部的一个镇,在布雷顿角的大西洋沿岸。A town of northeast Nova Scotia, Canada, on the Atlantic coast of Cape Breton Island.

莱斯是和英国打仗的不列塔尼人,经常侍奉在圣女贞德身边。Rais was a Breton who fought against the English, often serving alongside Joan of Arc.

查理坐在一家阴暗的介绍所里,跟一个性情暴躁的贝亚内斯人和一个健壮的布列塔尼农民谈了话。Charlie sat in a gloomy agency and talked to a cross Bearnaise and to a buxom Breton peasant.

我真不爱磨布列塔尼麦子,好象锯木板的工人不爱锯有钉子的方料一样。I am not fond of grinding Breton wheat, any more than long-sawyers like to saw beams with nails in them.

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布雷顿森林体系崩溃后,国际货币体系进入了多元储备货币时代。Since the collapse of the Breton Woods System, the international monetary system has entered a multi-reserve currency stage.

星期四,路易斯安娜附近的布雷顿湾岛海岸线外,阻油栅圈内的水域成为鸟群的安身之所。Birds settle into water surrounded by oil-containment booms off the coast of Breton Sound Island, near Louisiana, on Thursday.

罗伯特·考特尼认为,往年不列颠海角有30至40艘船出发去追捕海豹,但今年不会出现这种情况了。Mr. Courtney thinks that none of the 30 to 40 boats from Cape Breton that usually participate in the seal hunt will this year.

5月1日,在离布莱顿海峡的不远处,两只海豚在欢快的嬉戏着,稍远处隐约可见的是矗立在墨西哥湾的油气井。Dolphins surface in Breton Sound not far from the Louisiana coast on May 1, as gas wells loom farther out in the Gulf of Mexico.

从阳光四溢的西班牙海岸到风多的不列颠海岸,已经移居国外的英国人无疑都感受到的节约开支的必要性。From the sun-drenched Spanish costas, to the wind-lashed Breton coast, Brits who have moved abroad are undoubtedly feeling the pinch.

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新斯科舍省的东北部外海是布列顿岛,崎岖险峻而又美丽的终极旅游景点,还保留着苏格兰历史风貌。Off the northeast coast of Nova Scotia sits Cape Breton Island, a beautifully rugged destination that has retained its Scottish flavor.

圣马洛曾经一度自治,脱离于法国,也不受布列塔尼管辖。Saint- Malo had a tradition of asserting its autonomy in dealings with the French authorities and even with the local Breton authorities.

一些民俗学家便将其传诵下来,最突出的例子是来自谢蒂坎普,布雷顿角的安塞尔姆恰森之父。A few folklorists became repositories of the oral tradition, the most prominent example being Father Anselme Chiasson from Cheticamp, Cape Breton.

就是说在这说布列塔尼语,现在南特已经不算是,布列塔尼的了,不过那里也说布列塔尼语,基本上是一种盖尔语Anyway, they spoke Breton here. Now, Nantes isn't considered technically part of Brittany, but they spoke Breton there, which is basically a Gaelic language.

还有一些布里多尼人,想要给他们的孩子取布里多尼的名字,但是法国政府说,想都别想,这并非官方法语And there were cases where Bretons tried to name their children Breton names and the French State said, uh-uh,pas possible, because it wasn't officially French.

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在法国,这款酒的主要消费群体是政府公务员,其中最有名的当属法国财政部长蒂埃里。布雷东。In France, this wine is the major consumer groups, civil servants, among which the most famous French Finance Minister Thierry. Breton. It is said that Thierry year.

尼姆当地有很强的君主主义信仰,它是我很喜欢的一个地方,当然还有在布列尼塔,我一直拿布里多尼举例子,等会儿换一个There's a strong tradition in Nime, one of my favorite places,of popular Royalism, and also of course in Brittany -- I keep giving Breton examples, I'll pick other ones.

其他在家庭中,谁住在同一所房屋,并已深深影响了年轻艺术家的成长过程,他的外祖母,特别是他的叔叔博尼法斯列塔尼。Others in the family, who lived in the same house, and had a deep influence on the young artist's upbringing, were his maternal grandmother and especially his uncle Boniface Breton.