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这是个不和谐音Here is a dissonance.

这也是认识失调来解释。Again, it's cognitive dissonance.

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头发颜色的不一致有多么重要?How significant is hair-color dissonance?

这种数据与事实相悖的情况引起了一些人的认知失调。This has caused some cognitive dissonance.

在此作品中有无更多的和协音程或是不和协的?。Is there more consonance or dissonance in this work?

他认为我们会通过某种行为来减少失调。And he argued that we act so as to reduce dissonance.

最后,孩子身上也有认知失调。Finally, cognitive dissonance shows up with children.

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这个技巧与认知悔悟有关。This technique revolves around the theory of cognitive dissonance.

不管那是对或错,都是认知失调在作怪。Whether that’s true or not, that’s cognitive dissonance in action.

问题是你能把这种认知失调处理得有多好。The question becomes how well you can manage this cognitive dissonance.

这就是将不和谐音,解构为和谐音的原理的So that's the principle of this idea of dissonance resolving to consonance.

自我与他人。自我欺骗、自我呈现、认知失调。The Self and Others. Self-Deception, Self-Presentation, Cognitive Dissonance.

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他认为这会让人进入一种情绪不安的状态,他称之为“失调”And he claimed it causes an unpleasant emotional state, what he described as "dissonance."

比如我让一个声部的旋律具有可唱性的时候,不和谐音程可能会出现。For example, if I make the melody of one part vocalizing, dissonance interval would appear.

只取某个人类一段不调和的DNA进入舞蹈,整个人类都会进入不调和。It only takes one human of dissonant DNA to enter the dance and all humans go into dissonance.

这些不协调与男女性之间或者身体与灵魂间的冲突连结。Such dissonance is related to conflict between the masculine and feminine or the body and soul.

颁奖行为本身似乎把好莱坞归为一个知行不一的地方。The very act of awarding prizes seems to throw Tinseltown into a state of cognitive dissonance.

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作为海豚和鲸鱼,我们敏锐地觉知到我们圆荚体里制造持续不和谐的成员。We as dolphins and whales are keenly aware of those in our pods that create ongoing dissonance.

这种错觉可以解释为大脑的感官部位出现了不一致。This illusion can be explained by a dissonance that takes place in the receptive field of the brain.

就是在减轻这种失调的过程当中,自我合理化的加速器才开大起来。It is in that process of reducing dissonance that the self-justification accelerator is throttled up.