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原核生物中DNA聚合酶I的一种功能。Function of DNA polymerase I in prokaryotes.

端粒酶是一种RNA依赖的DNA聚合酶。Telomerase is an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase.

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原核生物RNA聚合酶全酶的组成成分。Component of prokaryotic RNA polymerase holoenzyme.

转基因鸡的细胞能产生这种假聚合酶。The cells of GM chickens make this fake polymerase.

聚合酶需要引物,这点非常重要Polymerase needs a primer and that turns out to be important.

此过程由称为RNA聚合酶的蛋白所介导I told you that that's driven by a protein called RNA polymerase.

聚合酶使DNA序列开始复制The polymerase starts a process of replication of your DNA sequences.

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我想讲的技术是聚合酶链式反应The technique I want to talk about is one called Polymerase Chain Reaction.

采用聚合酶链反应鉴定了脑活检标本中的EB病毒DNA。EBV DNA was identified in brain biopsy specimens by polymerase chain reaction.

耐热DNA聚合酶在大肠杆菌中得到表达。Preparation and identification of the thermostable DNA polymerase expressed in E.

结论巴马汀和小蘖碱均是肿瘤细胞DNA多聚酶的抑制剂。Conclusion Palmatine and Berberine are inhibitors of DNA polymerase of tumor cells.

两种RNA聚合酶B都适于利用变性的单链DNA作转录模板。The denatured DNA is a suitable template for transcription of the two RNA polymerase B.

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RNA聚合酶形成的转录泡在10秒内可以移动多远?How far along the DNA would the transcription "bubble" formed by RNA polymerase move in 10s?

RNA聚合酶解开一小段DNA螺旋,使碱基在它们各自的链上暴露出来。The RNA polymerase unzips a small portion of the DNA helix exposing the bases on each strand.

用聚合酶链反应分析了宫颈细胞学和活检中的14种致癌HP型。Cerical cytology and biopsy were analyzed for 14 oncogenic HP types using polymerase chain reaction.

用聚合酶链反应分析了宫颈细胞学和活检中的14种致癌HPV型。Cervical cytology and biopsy were analyzed for 14 oncogenic HPV types using polymerase chain reaction.

NA聚合酶很聪明,它知道该由什么位置介入,来转录所需要的RNARNA polymerase is smart, it knows where it needs to go in order to make the copy of RNA that's required.

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多种RNA聚合酶中含有锌,而核昔酸还原酶的作用则依赖于铁。A variety of RNA polymerase containing zinc, while the nuclear of acid reductase action is dependent on iron.

聚合酶链式反应可使DNA自我复制,产生大量的DNA样品可供科学家进行研究。Polymerase helps coax DNA to replicate itself, leaving researchers with large numbers of samples to work with.

其RNA依赖的RNA聚合酶活性有一定的引物依赖性。Its RNA polymerase activity was dependent upon the primer in vitro with limited reverse transcription activity.