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冬日的寒冷与潮湿。The cold and dampness of winter.

“这是湿气在蒸发哩,”乔答。"It's the dampness drying, " replied Jo.

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为避免潮湿,房间要经常通风。To avoid dampness air the room regularly.

机体因风、寒、湿三气杂至而成痹证。Arthralgia is due to wind, The cold and dampness.

大众汽车的独特构造,将潮润低档在外。Volkswagen's unique construction keeps dampness out.

潮湿就令人不快,更不必说寒冷了。The dampness is unpleasant , not to mention the cold.

气候潮湿使书籍和衣服霉烂了。The dampness of the climate decayed the books and clothes.

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窗户因为潮湿变了形,关不上了。The window was warped by the dampness and it wouldn't shut.

导致荨麻疹的六淫病邪主要有风、寒、热、湿之邪。The main pathogenic factors were wind, cool, heat, dampness.

最常见的诱发原因有外伤、姿势不当、寒冷或受潮湿等。The most common factors are injury , posture , cold or dampness.

现在潮湿和跟踪的可靠性问题几乎全部被解决了。Reliability problems from dampness and tracking are now almost eliminated.

治疗肝癌以燥湿化痰为主进行辨证论治。Treatment for liver cancer mainly by drying dampness and resolving phlegm.

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全方组方合理,共奏清热利湿退黄之效。All the reasonable side group, played a total heat dampness jaundice effect.

是什么让动物们知道天气呢?What do animals know about weather? Dampness collects in the air before rain.

他们把损失归咎于长途海运中受潮了。They attributed the damage to the effect of dampness during the long sea voyage.

他们把货损归咎于长途海运中受潮了。They attributed the damage to the effects of dampness during the long sea voyage.

暑邪为病常兼挟湿邪侵袭人体。Pathogenic summer-heat usually accompanies pathogenic dampness to invade the body.

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每个纸箱都有内衬防水纸,因而不会被潮湿和雨水侵蚀。Each is lined with waterproof paper, so that it can’t be spoiled by dampness or rain.

因为重庆特别潮湿,吃辣能祛湿而且可以有好皮肤。Chongqing, in particular because of wet, spicy food to dampness and can have good skin.

而湿热也是影响人体内嘌呤代谢紊乱的根本因素。Also the dampness and heat can cause the disorder of the purine metabolism in human body.