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农业是当时的主导产业。Agriculture was dominant.

这就是狗儿怎么变得支配欲强的。That's how dogs become dominant.

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她的首要因素是逻各斯。Its dominant element is the Logos.

经常使用你比较少用的手。Use your less dominant hand often.

它是碳的最主要的形式。And it is the dominant form of carbon.

预计任何一个政党都不会取得压倒优势。No one party is expected to be dominant.

所给调子或音调中的主音。The dominant in a given key or tonality.

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云对辐射有决定性的作用。Cloud has a dominant influence on radiation.

长期风险,在我们的生活中占统治地位。The long-term risks are dominant in our lives.

长期风险,在我们的生活中占统治地位。The long-term risks are dominant in our lives.

在我的社会中,人们通常较有支配力。In this society, people are generally dominant.

那么这就是一点属音的准备。So this is a little bit of dominant preparation.

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这些天,占主导的气味比较令人心晴气爽。These days, the dominant smell is more agreeable.

而且你经常塑造主导性的女性角色。Also, you often depict dominant female characters.

这是目前市场上的主导力量。That’s the dominant force in the market right now.

另外一个可能是属音。The other one's probably going to be the dominant.

而且,没有一个我们的亚洲盟友想要中国在各地区称霸。And none of our Asian allies want a dominant China.

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效率是许多事业中居首位的观念。Efficiency is the dominant idea in many businesses.

空气动力性噪声是圆锯片最主要的噪声。The aerodynamic noise is the dominant noise source.

美丽的龙猫一个米色显性基因。A beautiful chinchilla with one beige dominant gene.