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违抗或对古茹不敬。To disobey or disrespect the guru.

用古鲁给予的神之圣名为自己播下种子。Of God that your guru has given to you.

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这就是古鲁的无意识之舞。This is the unconscious dance of the guru.

传媒大腕杨澜为特奥会筹资。Media guru Yang Lan raises money for Specia.

真正的上师很可能继续不为人知。The True Guru is likely to remain unnoticed.

药师佛是其中典型形象之一。Bhaisajya Guru is a typical image among them.

中国互联网大师级专家——马云,有了新职业。Chinese Internet guru Ma Yun has a new career.

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花白头发的期货专家吉姆·罗杰斯确实是这样做的。Grizzled commodity guru Jim Rogers certainly is.

现在,我们来谈一下上师。这里的上师,他是谁?Ok, let's talk about the guru, who is this guru?

只要牢牢地想着你的上师与观世音菩萨。Just think of your root guru and Avalokiteshvara.

直到后来,他才与麻原彰晃疏远开来。Only later he did distance himself from the Guru.

好!对我的弟子们而言我是金刚上师,但并非对所有人皆如此。Fine. I am Vajra Guru to my disciples, not to all.

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如果教师或古鲁也和你一样地丢失了自己呢?What if the teacher or guru is as lost as oneself?

Guru没有反应—只是动了动眉毛。The Guru didn't respond—she just arched an eyebrow.

石光源先生是一位风景摄影的宗师。Mr. Shi Guangyuan is a guru in landscape photography.

你还会如印度宗师所教导的那样,去冥想吗?You still meditate like our guru in India teach you ?

冯大阿阇梨是陈上师的唐密教授师。Patriarch Feng was Guru Chen's teacher in Tang Tantra.

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这骑著龙的文殊也是陈上师的脸。It is also Guru Chen's face on Manjusri riding a dragon.

我的瑜伽宗师教我们关于今天呼吸。My yoga guru is going to teach us about breathing today.

没有古鲁的帮助,他们不能把它们解开。And they cannot be unfastened without the help of a guru.