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本周,不要制造麻烦,不要惹人讨厌。Don't be a pest or a troublemaker this week.

我不愿你认为我是个搬弄是非的人。I would hate you to think me a troublemaker.

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当他还是个小孩子的时候,真是一个小捣蛋鬼。When he was a little boy, he was a real troublemaker.

他对权威的不敬使他成了一个惹是生非的刺儿头。His irreverence for authority marks him out as a troublemaker.

我哥哥在少年时经常惹事生非,但他打结解结是把好手。My brother, quite a troublemaker as a juvenile, can tie and untie any knot.

我想知道在这个家里谁是麻烦制造者,谁是麻烦解决者?I wonder who is the troublemaker and who is the troubleshooter in the family?

在很多课堂上,佩里可能都被认为是个捣蛋鬼。In many classrooms, Perry might simply have been regarded as a troublemaker.

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由于在学校被孤立,她总是逃学,被认为是个麻烦的孩子。Socially isolated at school, she often played truant and was seen as a troublemaker.

我曾是一名英文很好的教死,英语让我头痛让我为易。I was once a poor student of English, and it was my biggest headache and troublemaker.

他长期是导致了他的老师和官员不尽的哀情的闹事者。He has long been a troublemaker who has caused his teachers and prefects endless grief.

当我向他提出这个问题时,他幽默地称自己是个麻烦制造者。When I pointed this out to him, he suggested, in good humor, that I was a troublemaker.

霍法的阵营似乎把波普视作威胁,在民间无线电波段称其为“麻烦制造机”。The Hoffa camp seem to see Ms Pope, whose CB radio handle was "Troublemaker", as a threat.

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如果他精心选择揭露谁保护谁的话,那么,他确实会成为一个危险的麻烦制造者。If he gets selective about who to out and who to protect, then he does become a dangerous troublemaker.

在那里,我迷上了店里的魔术,却一次也没用过那副牌---比起惹是生非,我更多只是爱恶作剧。I got hooked on magic at the store and never used the cards — I was more of a practical joker than a troublemaker.

她的确有道理——他们已经失去了12个儿子,片子一开始,宋世杰帮助一个惹是生非的人脱罪后,他们又失去了第13个儿子。She has a point — they've lost 12 sons, and when Sung helps out a troublemaker early in the movie, they lose No. 13.

水公司工会领袖安洁莉卡。纳瓦雷特将该男子斥为麻烦制造者,并说他的要求根本没有事实根据。Water company labor-union leader Angelica Navarette dismissed the man as a troublemaker whose demands are unfounded.

在男女混合的班级里,原本在单一男生班里表现出色的男生很可能情绪低落并扮演捣蛋鬼的角色。In a mixed class, boys who might do well in a single-sex class become discouraged and take on the role of troublemaker.

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长袜子皮皮、大侦探布鲁姆克维斯特、捣乱街的孩子和玛迪根都住在小城镇里。Pippi Longstocking, Master Detective Blomkvist, the children in Troublemaker Street and Madicken all live in small towns.

那捣蛋鬼已走上了正路。我对我曾大发脾气感到后悔。他们会在我们到那里的时候完成的。The troublemaker has gone for good. I regretted that I had lost my temper. They will have finished by the time we arrive.

最糟糕的一点是,这会使制造麻烦的员工看起来更有价值,因为他们得到了管理层更多的关注。Worst of all, it makes it appear that a troublemaker is more highly valued because they command more management attention.