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他遇上一场倾盆大雨。He met a drench of rain.

一阵骤雨把露营者都淋湿了。A heavy shower drench the camp ers.

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淋球菌是一种细菌。Drench coccus is a kind of bacterium.

牵我的手淋著小雨、牵你的手跟你脚步。To hold my hand drench the rain, hold hands with your footsteps.

相信在所有的雨中,淋湿我的那一滴才是真的雨!Is it among all rain , drench I that drop is true rain to believe!

每天以“积极的思想”予以灌溉,并要保持水量充沛。Drench daily with positive thinking and keep saturated just right.

每天用积极的想法来灌溉,保持刚好饱和的状态。Drench daily with positive thinking, and keep saturated just right.

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我只能跳到澎湃的浪里,让它浸濡我并且使我寒栗。I can but rush to the surf and let it drench me and freeze upon me.

表哥看见一群穿著斗芃的夫妇在肥皁汤里浸泡灵魂。Cousin saw a group of pairs in cloaks drench their marrows in the soapy soup.

淋球菌由核质、细胞浆、细胞膜和细胞壁等构成。Drench coccus is mixed by film of oar of karyoplasm, cell, cell cellular wall form.

那么,请沉醉在摩卡咖啡的幽幽香气中,让思绪随着蒸腾的热气游走吧!So drench yourself in the aroma of mocha coffee and drift away with your steaming cup.

开动喷射装置,使你的宝贝通过扭曲和螺旋的赛道时一身湿透!Fire your jet-spray to drench your babe as she races through twisting turns and spirals !

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成曦因为通宵工作躲在洗手间打瞌睡,被天恒用水淋醒。To work all night because Xi hid in the Restroom doze, by day constant water drench wake.

让你自己浸在未说出口的话中。张开双臂拥抱生活。今天是你的故事开始的地方。Drench yourself in words unspoken . Live your life with arms wide open. Today is where your book begins.

但记得要经常给手机淋点水,里面的花可需要浇下水哦!But remember to often drench to the mobile phone bit of water, the flower inside can need to irrigate enter the water!

那么,请沉醉在摩卡咖啡的幽幽香气中,让思绪随着蒸腾的热气游走吧!生活中的一些简单乐趣正在于此。So drench yourself in the aroma of mocha coffee and drift away with your steaming cup. In it lie the simple pleasures of life.

浴室内的气氛渐渐变得火热,两人湿透的衣衫也被抛到了浴桶外。The air in the bathroom gradually becomes very hot, 2 people drench via of the dress Shan be also thrown outdoor in the bath bucket.

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不用水淋洒房屋、办公室和船舶是卡德马蒂里在宣布他的发现时所吹捧的一个优点。Not having to drench homes, offices and ships in water is one of the advantages that Cademartiri touted when announcing his discovery.

中国官员称,举办过一雨带威胁,达到资本和淋仪式成功的火箭。Chinese officials claimed the rockets succeeded in holding off a rain belt that threatened to reach the capital and drench the ceremony.

风机的存放空间应干燥通风,无腐蚀气体,并能防止雨淋和日晒!The room to place blower should be in dry condition with excellent ventilation, no etchant gas and can prevent from drench and solarization.