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定期往返于多佛和布伦之间的渡轮。The ferry that plies between dover and boulogne.

只要一个半小时就可以到布洛涅或加来。It only takes an hour and a half to get to Boulogne or Calais.

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他曾经在加来和波洛业看见犯人把同样表册交给几个法国绅士看。He had seen the prisoner show these identical lists to French gentlemen both at Calais and Boulogne.

俩人抛弃了小汽车,进入布洛涅公园,兰登在这里仔细检查钥匙。Both of them abandon the car and head into the Bois de Boulogne where Langdon closely inspects the key.

公元前55年,凯撒率领第七和第十军团,分乘80条船从布洛涅扬帆起航,横渡英吉利海峡进军多佛。In 55BC, Caesar loaded the seventh and tenth legions into 80 ships and sailed from Boulogne across the Channel to Dover.

随后凯撒在控制局势之后,率领他的部下重新回到布洛涅,由此,开始了把英格兰纳入罗马帝国版图的进程。As soon as he could, Caesar led his men back to Boulogne. But the process of absorbing England into the Roman Empire had begun.

一位夫人,她和她的使女一起乘上了去布洛涅的驿车,她吩咐我等驿车驶出庭院之后再把信送给您。A lady who was leaving on the Boulogne mail coach with her maid. She gave me orders not to bring it until the coach was clear of the depot.

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布洛涅森林在巴黎的另外一边,那里有很多娼妓,然后是文森森林,这里就好多了。There's the Bois de Boulogne on the other side of Paris, where you have got a lot of prostitutes, and you've got the Bois de Vincennes, which is way nicer.

公元前55年,凯撒率领一支庞大的舰队横渡英吉利海峡登上了沃尔默和蒂尔之间的海滩In 55BC, Caesar loaded the seventh and tenth legions into 80 ships and sailed from Boulogne across the Channel to Dover. They reached a beach between Walmer and Deal

如今,他要么就在他当着市长助理的郊外工业城市布洛涅-比扬古的市政大厅里,要么就在他那幢挨着王子公园的二十世纪三十年代极美的旧宅子里。He can be found nowadays at the town hall of Boulogne Billancourt, an industrial suburb of which he is assistant mayor, or at his stun ning 1930s home close to the Parc des Princes.

1976年10月,王太后在巴黎的英国大使馆停留,有人向她建议去布洛涅森林探望公爵夫人,但这是不可能的。When the Queen Mother went to stay at the British Embassy in Paris in October 1976, there was a suggestion she might visit the Duchess at her Bois de Boulogne home. But this was never going to happen.