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一定要开车床才算劳动?To work a treadle . Or operate a lathe?

所以他们重新使用踏板抽水机。So they are using their treadle pumps again.

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将引擎前方的护把、踏板、座垫给拆除。Removed the protect bar, treadle and the seat.

她正用脚踩动缝纫机的踏板。She was working the treadle of her sewing-machine.

他告诉我,脚踏泵真是上天的恩赐。He told me that the treadle pump was a gift from God.

一个踏板摩托直流电打火器多少钱?Be how much a treadle motorcycle direct current fire maker?

在独立活动月访问赞比亚时,一位发展实验课程的学生在尝试踏板式抽水机。A D-Lab student tests a treadle pump during the IAP visit to Zambia.

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萨拉伯母弹着旧式的脚踏风琴,哈里大伯和我的堂兄弟们伴唱。Aunt Sarah would play the old treadle organ and Uncle Harry and my cousins would sing.

用竹子或其他木材加上2个带活塞的金属气缸就能制作出这个踏板水泵。The treadle pump is easy to build from bamboo or other wood and 2 metal cylinders with pistons.

这种踏板式水泵可以轻松用竹子获其他木头和两个带活塞的汽缸做成。The treadle pump is easy to build from bamboo or other wood and two metal cylinders with pistons.

踏板生机是一种流行于自唐代至明代的重要机型,今已失传。The vertical treadle loom is an important but lost type of loom of common use from the Tang to the Ming Dynasty.

用脚不停地踩动踏板,水就可以通过水槽流到一个高的地方。By means of a foot treadle the chain of paddles pushes water along the length of a trough to pour out at the other end.

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在考虑消弭贫穷的问题时,脚踏泵的效果,要比其它科技化的灌溉方式来得更好。In terms of reducing poverty, the treadle pump has proved superior to more technologically advanced irrigation schemes.

铁木楼梯的踏板一般是木制品,护栏是铁制品,扶手是木制品和铁制品。Rail wooden staircases treadle usually wood products, iron products is parapet, handrails are wood products and iron products.

这个踏杆就是酷步车与其它滑板车不一样的地方,只需踩动踏杆就可以连续滑行,无需蹬踩地面。The foot bar is that part which differs it from other scooters. Customers just need step on treadle to make it glide, no need drive the ground.

孟加拉国是个非常适合使用脚踏泵的地方,因为在农民脚下几公尺深的地底,就有丰富的地下水。Bangladesh is particularly well suited for the treadle pump because a huge reservoir of groundwater lies just a few meters below the farmers' feet.

用手动或脚踏风箱供给强制气流,以提高火焰温度,后来用水轮机或兽力带动风箱。A Bellows operated by an assistant or by a foot treadle provided the forced draft for raising the temperature of the fire. Later, a waterwheel or animal power was often used to operate the Bellows.