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有些人可能会嘲笑这是社会主义。Some might deride this as socialism.

礼仪规矩快要成为我害怕和嘲笑的事了。Formal is to become an event I both dread and deride.

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一些批评人士嘲讽这个组织为“自封的食品警察”。Some critics deride the group as self-appointed food police.

反唯物论者往往会瞧不起物质的重要性。Anti- materialists tend to deride the importance of "things."

艺术家们常常嘲笑生意人钻进了钱眼儿里。ARTISTS routinely deride businesspeople as money-obsessed bores.

而其中多数人,念念不忘那些用来嘲笑欧洲商业的陈词滥调。Most of them, however, mock the clichés used to deride European business.

所有政党都在嘲弄旧政权,但没有讲清楚自己会怎么做。All deride the old regime but few manifestos spell out what they would do instead.

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然而大多数德国企业对于那些被用来嘲笑欧洲企业的陈词滥调不屑一顾。Most of them, however, mock the coh influence clichés used to deride European business.

由于无法通过测试的银行数量过少,许多分析师嘲笑说测试的压力还不够大。The small number of failures prompted many analysts to deride the tests as not being tough enough.

有些人嘲笑占领运动提不出具体的要求,其实他们不懂其中的策略所在。Those who deride it for its lack of concrete demands simply don't understand its strategic function.

批评总统的共和党嘲讽总统是个极端的带着狂热反美情绪的社会主义者。The president's critics on the right deride him as a radical socialist seething with anti-American rage.

中国的评论员经常嘲弄西方在非洲实施援助时的家长做派。Chinese commentators regularly deride Western involvement in Africa as paternalistic exercises in aid hand-outs.

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在美国,有一些声音嘲笑并否认欧洲在保障我们安全和未来方面的重要地位。In America, there are voices that deride and deny the importance of Europe’s role in our security and our future.

公众对它的期望值逐年升高,并会立即嘲笑那些辜负了他们期望的代表。Expectations have been rising, and the Chinese public has been quick to deride those delegates who fail to live up to them.

雅各布森所在的这个消费者组织常对餐馆提供的食物进行批评。一些批评人士嘲讽这个组织为“自封的食品警察”。Jacobson's group often criticizes at a variety of restaurant foods. Some critics deride the group as self-appointed food police.

球迷公开嘲笑中国足协的领导谢亚龙,他以前是陕西省的一个高级官员。Fans also openly deride the head of the Chinese Football Association, Xie Yalong, a former senior official from Shaanxi Province.

在许多的教育圈子,我们对竞赛嗤之以鼻,但我碰到的大多数学生以积极正面的态度看待竞赛。As much as we deride competition in many educational circles, most of the students I have met see competition in a positive light.

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当“我”以非凡的人形出现时,愚人们嘲笑我,他们无法理解“我”极至的本性是所有生灵的根本主宰。Fools deride Me in My divine human form, unable to comprehend My supreme nature as the Ultimate Controller of all living entities.

目前的美国在社会公平方面比起任何一个欧盟国家都远远落后,而僵化的“老欧洲”当年可是被小布什总统阁下兼军委主席玩了命嘲笑的。In terms of income equality, America lags behind any country in the old, ossified Europe that President George W. Bush used to deride.

“Linpack基准测试是很有趣的现象之一——几乎所有人都知道它和实用性根本不沾边,”邓宁说。"The Linpack benchmark is one of those interesting phenomena -- almost anyone who knows about it will deride its utility," says Dunning.