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书上的铅字总使小霍勒斯着迷。The printed word always fascinated horace.

欲知更多详情,请点击阅读贺拉斯德迪欧的分析结果。Want more? Read Horace Dediu's analysis at.

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她和霍勒斯下周就要出发去希腊了。She and Horace are going off to Greece next week.

我叫它卢西安霍里斯欧韦弗尔吉。I have named him. I call him Lucian Horace Ovid Virgil.

赫拉斯和蛇发女怪三姐妹在可怕的万圣节前夕聊八卦。Horace and the Gorgons gossip on the horrible Halloween.

霍勒斯·格里利首先是一位颇有建树的办报人。Horace Greeley was first of all a successful newspaperman.

本次新闻是由霍拉斯·哈尔斯泰德播报的,下次再见。Until next time, this is Horace Halstedter for Metrotone News.

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你有天赋,有名气,有力量,有霍拉斯重视的一切。You are talented, famous and powerful. Everything Horace values.

威洛比爵士向维农和霍拉斯很不自然地献殷勤。Sir Willoughby had practiced a studied courtness upon Vernon and horace.

霍勒斯对他的花园太过上心,都有10年没出过远门了。Horace is so devoted to his garden that he hasn't been away for 10 years.

他已经付不出钱给他的零部件供应商约翰和霍勒斯·道奇。He was unable to pay his bills to John and Horace Dodge, who supplied parts.

“爸爸的小女孩”写由Bobby伯克和霍勒斯格拉赫于1949年。"Daddy's Little Girl" was written by Bobby Burke and Horace Gerlach in 1949.

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每个角度都要看,没有东西是美的---古希腊诗人,Q.H.F。贺拉斯。Nothing is beautiful from every point of view---Quintus Horatius Flaccus Horace.

贺拉斯诽谤秋天,说它是“可怕的”时期,是“死亡女神丰收的季节”。Horace slandered autumn as a "dread" period-"harvest-season of the goddess of death.

贺拉斯诽谤秋天,说它是“可怕的”时期,是“死亡女神丰收的季节”。Horace slandered autumn as a "dread" period -"harvest-season of the Goddess of Death.

贺拉斯诽谤秋天,说它是“可怕的”时期,是“死亡女神丰收的季节”。Horace slandered autumn as a “dread” period—“harvest-season of the Goddess of Death.”

我叫做札克,今年十岁半,就读纽约市的赫瑞斯•海地怀特男校。I'm ten and a half and I go to the Horace Hyde-White School for Boys in New York City.

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最后,约翰发现了圣诞的魔力,而霍勒斯发现了奇迹。Finally John finds the magic of Christmas and Horace discovers that miracles indeed, occur.

1984年7月27日,乔治·贺瑞斯·盖洛普因心脏病突发在他的瑞士消夏别墅中去世。George Horace Gallup died of a heart attack at his summer home in Switzerland on July 27th.

结果,任职两年后,格里贾特斯就被来自纳布的霍勒斯·万西尔接替了。As a result, after just two years of service, Greejatus was replaced by Horace Vancil of Naboo.