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水是可恶的。Water is sneaky.

你这个卑鄙的妈妈!Oh, you sneaky mom.

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但是工作很鬼祟。But jobs are sneaky.

这家伙看起来一副奸相。This guy looks sneaky.

全球变暖很是诡秘。Global warming is sneaky.

我认为你是奸诈自不量力的小…I think you are a sneaky.

你比鬼祟还要坏。You're worse than sneaky.

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法国人是所谓,"偷偷摸摸的法国佬"The French are "The sneaky French."

你可以诡计多端的攻击。You can be sneaky about the attack.

那你呢,我的小鬼头女儿?And what about you, my sneaky daughter?

第二,这是一种难以捉摸的,来去无踪的病毒。Second, this is a subtle, sneaky virus.

图中佩斯的表情好像是偷看到了对手的牌。Pace looks like he is taking a sneaky peek!

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最终,你会变成一个鬼鬼祟祟的人。Eventually, you'll become a very sneaky adult.

简而言之,香港本地人很狡猾。In short local Hong Kong people are sneaky VERY sneaky.

卑鄙的交易剥夺了他们应得的钱。Sneaky deals had deprived Queen of their true earnings.

全班剩余的同学都不喜欢这个鬼头鬼脑的女孩。This sneaky girl was disliked by the rest of the class.

他玩起来像Garen但是更活泼更狡猾。He plays a little like Garen but more active and sneaky.

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这样,谁都不会再觉得对方虚情假意鬼鬼祟祟。This way no one feels they're being dishonest or sneaky.

我从未见过乔治的行为举止会如此粗劣、卑怯。I've never seen Girogio behave in such an awkward, sneaky manner.

你们身上最基督的那部分对偷偷摸摸把人埋了这事是怎么看的?How does your Christ-portion feel about this sneaky burial thingy?