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他策动了这次叛乱。He instigated the revolt.

是一次人民反对自己的暴乱。A revolt of the people against itself.

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他们害怕再发生一次台湾式起义。They were afraid of another Formosa revolt.

修正在奴隶起义功能上的一个错误。Fixed an error in the slave revolt function.

猩猩们造反了并袭击了旧金山。The apes revolt and descend on San Francisco.

地方性反感变成公开暴动。These local resentments burst into open revolt.

造反派的领导做出重要改变。The leaders of the revolt made important changes.

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暴乱把一切都卷入了它的烟雾。The revolt had enveloped everything in its smoke.

碎屑的嘎吱嘎吱的反抗下我的脚。The detritus of the revolt crunched under my feet.

第二个是我们所说的反抗模型。The second model is what we call the revolt model.

唯有悔改才能让上帝修直我们的弯曲悖逆。Only the repentance to make God to trim our revolt.

对于少校的指控是鼓动叛乱。The are charging the major with instigating revolt.

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典狱长的权威在动乱后下降了。The warden's authority diminished after the revolt.

政府在几天之内就扑灭了叛乱。The government crushed out the revolt in a few days.

这不在是复仇的问题,而是反抗的问题。It is no longer a question of revenge, but of revolt.

莱娅在诺格人各个阶层埋下了复仇的种子。Leia sewed the seeds of revolt among the Noghri ranks.

观点的大环境是现在这场反抗的基础。The climateof opinion is the very basis of the revolt.

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这或许是我们对父母的一种叛逆,连他们开的车我们也不喜欢。Maybe it’s a revolt against the cars our parents drove.

农民在乡里造反,搅动了绅士们的酣梦。The peasants' revolt disturbed the gentry's sweet dreams.

果真那样的话,销售会土崩瓦解,经销商亦会揭竿而起。Your sales would collapse, and your dealers would revolt.