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我在便利商店停了一下。I stop at a convenience store.

我们必须考虑到他的方便。We must consult his convenience.

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为通用型产品,使用方便。For a product, use the convenience.

苹果只能用方便又多样来形容。Two words -- convenience and variety.

方便时您可以随时来取。You can pick it up at your convenience.

这个城市提供了各种现代化的便利。The city offers every modern convenience.

这主要为应用程序提供便利。This is mostly an application convenience.

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冰箱给我家带来了方便。DIABLO convenience of a refrigerator to me.

那又怎么样?我们可以去便利商店呀!So what? We can go to the convenience store.

对于一个家庭咖啡师来说这真的很方便。For the home barista this spells convenience.

我回家途中顺便去便利店。I stop at a convenience store on my way home.

她的父亲是便利商店连锁店的老板。Her father owns a chain of convenience stores.

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您认为产品是否方便购买?Is it convenience for you to buy Salonpas now?

这种方法在编程中的方便性被大大低估。Convenience is quite underrated in programming.

为了利便你,我们每周7天开放。For your convenience we are open 7 days a week.

冻鱼是非常健康的方便食品。Frozen fish is a very healthy convenience food.

张氏全家人在台中拥有一家便利商店。The Changs own a convenience store in Taichung.

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小包装方便食品烹制简便。Vacuum packed convenience food is easy to cook.

想当年,茶商们为了运输方便。In those days, for the convenience of transport.

可使用已去皮马蹄更为方便。Use peeled water chestnuts for more convenience.