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但是理论上是能够完成。But you theoretically can do it.

这些模型在理论上能够自圆其说。The models are theoretically self-consistent.

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从理论上讲,这是可能的。The models are theoretically self-consistent.

理论上是可以无限等分的。Theoretically this can carry on ad infinitum.

在理论上探讨了红黄双波段激光产生的机理。The double-wave band laser was studied theoretically.

在理论上,我自己得出的数字为七十亿。I have arrived at seven billion myself, theoretically.

此研究具有理论意义和教学指导意义。This task is theoretically and pedagogically significant.

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那么,那些理论上没有工作的农民都去哪儿了?So where have all the theoretically jobless peasants gone?

图像彩色化方法的理论性总结。Theoretically summarizing of current colorization methods.

理论上这些法人团体应该是独立自主的。Theoretically the corporative bodies should be autonomous.

在理论上制作一个可以感应声音的隐身衣是不切实际的。D. it is theoretically impractical to build an acoustic cloak.

该研究从理论上找到了提高补燃效率的途径。The way improving afterburning efficiency was theoretically found.

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进而从理论上讨论了平面反射闪耀光栅。Then plane reflection blazed gratings are discussed theoretically.

从而得到门框上最低温度的计算式。The lowest temperature of the doorframe is calculated theoretically.

本文理论上计算了GOW心的电子能态。The electronic states of the GOW center are theoretically calculated.

从理论上讲一个月内借方的总额与贷方的总额应当相等。The debits and credits should theoretically balance out within a month.

理论上对赠与人撤销权制度的认识存在着极大的分歧。There are disputations about donator's right of revocation theoretically.

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使用中立和碳,理论上我们能够合成化石燃料。Using gravity and carbon, we could theoretically synthesize fossil fuels.

从理论上说,你的空间会更大,更整齐清爽。Theoretically , your space will be more spare , more serenely uncluttered.

从理论上讲,企业盈利越高,股价就应该升得越高。The higher the profits, the higher stock prices should rise, theoretically.