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它也是世界第七大城市。It is also the seventh largest city proper in the world, a megacity.

这个提议中的“巨型城市”面积将达到82000平方英里,相当于犹他州的面积。The proposed "megacity" will be 82,000 square miles --roughly the size of Utah.

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如果megacity汽车计划不如预期,宝马运营将会捉襟见肘。If the Megacity Vehicle doesn't work, BMW will have considerably less room to maneuver.

对于希望维持经济竞争力的大城市来说,健康的空气质量是一种必须。For any megacity wishing to remain economically competitive, healthy air quality is a must.

上海在向建设成为国际经济,金融,贸易,航运中心之一的目标而努力。Shanghai is endeavoring to be a megacity of global economy, finance, trade and ship center.

当他们到达中国的大城市后在世界博览会上做一个介绍。When they reach the Chinese megacity the couple will make a presentation at the World Expo.

假如星系团内的星系是大都会的城市核心,这气体便是散漫无章的延伸郊区。If the galaxies within a cluster are the urban cores of the megacity , this gas is the suburban sprawl.

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Megacity理念,就是减少四座汽车的重量,将有助于提高汽车的性能和优化汽车的构造。Reducing the weight of this four-seater car, known as the Megacity concept, will be crucial to improving its performance and range.

冲突在一些地方像在坐落于新德里东部,正在向大都市转变的阿巴德一样明显。In few places is that conflict as evident as here in Ghaziabad, which sits at the eastern edge of New Delhi, a metastasizing megacity.

文章列举了北京的案例,作为一个超大城市,它在制定相关环境政策时就成功地将空气污染和气候变化联系在一起。Zhu cites Beijing as an example of a megacity that has successfully linked air pollution with climate change in its environmental policies.

大都市将是中国与印度中产阶级的聚居地——由此形成的消费市场将分别大于当今日本和西班牙。The megacity will be home to China's and India’s growing middle classes -- creating consumer markets larger than to-day’s Japan and Spain, respectively.

到那时,北京、上海、成都、重庆、广州、深圳、天津、武汉这8个城市将成为人口超过一千万的超大城市,而其中有些城市已经成为超大城市。By then 8 cities, Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin and Wuhan, will have populations of more than 10m with some already megacity behemoths.

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该校座落于以矿业为主的城市包头,是中国高校——尤其是那些普通院校——扩招的典型代表。Located in the industrial city of Baotou, a megacity built on mining, the campus typifies the overstretched state of China's colleges, particularly academically average ones.

在慕尼黑北部的兰次胡特城,正用这种模型生产M3运动汽车的车顶,这是“大城车辆”生产试跑中的一部分。The mold, located in the town of Landshut north of Munich is currently producing roofs for the M3 sports car, in something of trial run for production of the Megacity Vehicle.

该校座落于以矿业为主的城市包头,是中国高校——尤其是那些普通院校——扩招的典型代表。Located in the industrial city of Baotou, a megacity built on mining, the campus typifies the overstretched state of China's colleges, particularly academically average ones.

换句话说,当中国从2000年的贫穷转变成2040年的超富裕国家之时,中国大城市居民的平均生活水平将是法国人的两倍。In other words, the average Chinese megacity dweller will be living twice as well as the averageFrenchman when China goes from a poor country in 2000 to a superrich country in2040.

或许雷瑟夫megacity计划最有挑战的是要将这款耗费昂贵材料譬如轻量化铝材和碳纤维的汽车打造成盈利型产品。Perhaps the most daring part of Reithofer's plan for the Megacity is that he expects to make money with the car, despite the use of costly materials like lightweight aluminum and carbon fiber.